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This scenario was scrapped due to it taking way to long, also I can't write break up scenarios that well- (there's more but like I said, it'll all be out in parts) btw this was made before I started calling Reader- yk- Reader so you might somewhere it says (y/n)



Rookie’s POV

    Panting as much as I could I turned the corner and started shooting at random hoping I hit someone. I’m currently in the middle of a match on the beach. The mode is standard, I’m currently on my last gun before golden gun, sadly I’m low on health though. Ever since my first match here I’ve gained so much confidence, I’ve also gained an amazing lover. Oh Uhm- snapping out of thought. I was on an automatic weapon, I waited a few seconds before putting my body pressure on my knee, and got ready to snipe. I peek the corner and shoot a few times, I got the kill. I was by the train station so that means I was close to the rooftop. I climbed up the stairs by the train and positioned myself behind the sign that was on the rooftop. I didn’t manage to get any rooftop kills since I was quickly killed, quite a few times might I add. But I successfully managed to pull off a kill and another one with a golden knife.

     While celebrating our team victory, I noticed my lover with the enemy team. They looked so much more happy with them. They were laughing along with Dealer and Rabblerouser. Come on rookie.. surely you're not THAT insecure that you find your partner laughing with others as a sign that they like them better than you. “…” I LIED- I AM THAT INSECURE- c-calm down rookie.. get a hang of yourself. This isn’t even the first time I’ve acted like this, why am I making a big deal out of it again? [Reader] said that they loved me and that they would never leave me for anyone. S-so why am I panicking for no reason? “Rookie you good?” Asked the boi as he continuously poked my shoulder with his gun. “You’ve been staring over at the enemy team there for an uncomfortable amount of time” he added in his usual calming voice. [ redacted ] I forgot I was still in the match somehow. I backed away from the boi and scratched my neck. “U-Uhm well-“ “Well whatever, we’re gonna go celebrate Dealer’s birthday, you coming?” He said as he cut me off “Is [Reader] going to be there?” I asked out of curiosity “Yeah they're also going, in fact everyone is going to his party” I thought to myself for a few seconds before agreeing to be there.

“That's great, I’ll let dealer know you're coming to tag along.” He said as he walked off. I sighed and kept staring at [Reader]. I should probably talk to them about dealers birthday in a little, for now I should probably look for a gift to get him.

>>Time skip to dealers party<<

    The party was going fine, I bought Dealer a gift and left it on his table. The moment I got to his party I looked for [Reader]. They were having drinks with Dealer. I didn’t want to.. bother them like I always do…They had a huge smile on their face. I didn't want to ruin their moment, but I had no one. What I mean by that is I have no one to talk with, no one to hold hands with, and no one to really love at the moment

    I grabbed a drink and sat in a corner, waiting for the party to be over. I look in a random direction and see [Reader] clinged onto dealer’s arm laughing like there’s no tomorrow. They looked so perfect for each other.. I- need a nap, a long one. I got comfortable as I tried to drift off to sleep.

>>Few hours later<<

    God my back hurts, ugh this is what I get for napping in the corner of dealers backyard. I brought my hand up to my head only to notice that I was crying slightly, oh right, I had that dream again. For the past few weeks I seem to have these nightmares of just, [Reader] abandoning me for someone better than me. God am I insecure… where is everyone? Is the party over? How long was I asleep for? I got up from the corner I was in and quickly stretched my back and started moving along. I walked around for a few minutes. all there was in the backyard was some cups abandoned out here. I tried to get inside dealer's house only to be met with a locked door. Actually looking inside, all the lights were off. Well I’m no Sherlock Holmes but it’s obvious that the party ended hours ago…great… sighing I started on getting home, a very, very long journey home.

>>time skip home<<

    Finally after that tiring walk, I’m finally, finally, home. Opening the front door, I was met with a dark corridor. Turning on the lights I walk around attempting to find my partner. Walking upstairs I open the door to our bedroom and unlock the door. I was greeted by my partner turning their back to me, presumably fast asleep. I sighed as I took a cool shower and changed into more comfortable clothes. Due to me sleeping at the party, I was no longer able to sleep. I laid next to them and scrolled through my phone for a few hours, that’s how it was the whole night. I’ll be honest I did get tired but I didn’t want to fall asleep just yet. The nightmares I have, have been getting worse each and every day. I can't deal with it anymore. … I think I know what I have to do..

>>Next morning<<

I didn’t sleep at all yesterday, well, minus at the party. I spent the rest of my night rearranging things. “(Yawn) Oh hey rookie… we thought you left the party early and or didn’t come at all. Nobody saw you at the party, so I decided to come back home to look for you” said [Reader] in their tired morning voice, softly rubbing their eyes. “[Reader, we need to talk” I knew what I had to do, I would keep having these nightmares if I stuck with them, I would have these thoughts every time they were with someone. Yeah- sure- maybe the nightmares won't end. Maybe they would continue to haunt me even if we broke up. but maybe, it’ll bring me comfort that they're with someone else, who’s better. ”Uhm… we should break up, I’m sorry-“

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