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Here's another scenario from my break up chapter (I also refer to the reader as [y/n] here sorry)

╰┈➤ Investigator


Investigator's POV

     Taking some quick glances at the clock on the wall, it was past midnight.
"God... and I promised [Y/N] that I'd be back before  midnight, their probably going to be very upset with me once I get home."
Sighing I take another glance at the clock and then at my paperwork. "Man... Today was busier than ever at the agency."   We had a whole bunch of cases flood in unexpectedly at once. Even detective was frozen in complete shock. I'm used to this by now, I'm always the one who left with the rest of the paperwork. "..." I... better get a move on then, I don't want to upset Y/N even more

>>Time Skip<<

      Finally, home... I can finally relax. Though... it is 1 in the morning. I feel anything but relaxed. Stretching out my back, I closed the door behind me and leave my bag that is filled to the brim with paperwork by the door. Flipping the light switch to the kitchen I walk towards the dinner table. Sigh... "I can't even remember the last time we've had a proper dinner together..." On top of the table laid my dinner which was just some cold take out, not that I don't mind or anything, I get it. I come late so I can't really expect a candle lit dinner with some freshly cooked food waiting for me. After reheating my food, I ate, showered, brushed my teeth and got into bed with my partner. Softly kissing their cheek, I wrapped arms around them and right after immediately passed out.

>>Next Morning<<

     I yawned, slowly rubbing my eyes letting myself adjust to the lighting. To my disappointment my partner wasn't in bed anymore. Checking the time, it was close to 10am, quickly getting out of bed i did my morning routine. I was running late for work, I grabbed my papers by the door and rushed out the door. Before I could even enter my car, I was stopped by a hand. I looked up and saw my partner's concerned face. “[Y/N] I’m running late for work… is something the matter?” “We need to have a talk..” they replied as they removed their hand from mine. “[Y/N] honey it’s gonna have to be after work alright? I’ll try and find some time for you once I’m back” I said gently as I boarded my car “Well actually it’s-“ I could no longer hear their voice as I started the car and pulled out of the driveway. I’m curious on what they had to say but I’m running late

>>time skip after work<<

God I’m exhausted…The only thing i can look forward to is seeing my wonderful partner. Pulling up in the driveway, I parked my car and got out of it. I grabbed my papers out of the back of the car and head inside. It’s currently around 11pm, at least I’m home somewhat early. I leave my heavy papers by the door and walk into the kitchen, some take out was left on the table but this time it was still warm.

After eating and doing my usual night routines I hop into bed with my partner. That reminds me, they had something they wanted to tell me. Whatever it’s late, I’ll ask them I’m the morning.

>>morning time<<

I woke fairly early for once but something feels off. I look around and the room looks more empty. Today was my day off so I could check out what was happening without worrying about work. I wrapped my blanket around me as I got out of bed and looked for [Y/N]. I walked around the house clueless for a while before I found them with a few bags of luggage with them. A little shocked, I walked over to them and wrapped them into a hug. “[Y/N], hun where are you going? Are you heading on a trip?” I asked in a curious tone “Investigator I- think it would be best if we broke up” they replied in a hushed voice “I’m moving back into my apartment” I blinked my eyes not believing anything I heard. I think my situation finally dawned on me because I could feel tears begin to build up In my eyes. “Look I just think.. it would be for the best. I feel like I just take up whatever time you have” “Hun- that isn’t true, I love you more than anything, I’d choose you over my job any day.” I quickly replied. “I appreciate all the time you spend on me, but maybe you’d be better off without me taking up your time” before they even gave me a chance to reply, they walked out the door and slammed it in my face. I wanted to go after them but, my body didn’t allow me too, I was stuck in place staring at the now shut door.


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