Bickering Time

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"I got it first!" the girl yelled in the room "Well and I saw it first, so it's mine!" Jungkook crossed his arms on his chest turning the opposite way of her.

Jimin and Tae didn't know what to do, the hyungs took always care when both of them were acting like this. Looking at each other they shrugged their shoulder not knowing what to do. "Well..." the oldest started but the girl cut him off. "Nothing is from you because you laid your eyes on it. If you saw it first you had to take it." A groan escaped her mouth and she stood up. "You are so childish, Jungkook!" she almost spits out his name which made the boy shoot up too. It was like they would fight physically but the boys knew better.

"Me? I am childish? I'm not the one who needs cuddles at night because she can't sleep!" he yelled out but regret it soon as he saw her face changing.

"That's such a jerk move." She throws the chocolate right on his chest "Here you can have it, my appetite is over."

"Nana... Na-Rae , I am sorry, I didn't mean it. You can have it if you want."

"No, I don't want to hear it! Just leave me alone" with that the girl ran towards their shared room but before Jungkook could follow her she locked herself inside.

"Way to go, kook!" Tae sighed and lay down on the couch.

"Jungkook-ah why did you say something this hurtful? I will try to talk with her." Jimin said and walked over to the closed door only to be greeted with "Just go away, I don't want to hear it and I don't want to see you. Go to hell!" Jimin tried to ignore the last part but it made him frustrated too. How can a bar of chocolate be that important? Everyone knew that the two little ones were like fire and water, but they couldn't live without each other. He would wait till the older ones are back home they probably know what to do.

Three hours later Yoongi and Hobi walked inside the dorm "Oh I thought nobody was home, it is so quiet in here." Hobi said walking over to the couch and ruffling Jimin's hair "You need a cut" he told him.

"I have time, if you want, I can drop you off. I just came to pick up some stuff." Yoongi said but Jimin shook his head "No thank you, the last time you dropped me off, everyone laughed at my cut. I just wait until we meet Noona next time." He said and focused again on his phone. "What you want." He shrugged his shoulder and went to the kitchen to grab a drink. "Anyway, I need to leave but where is Nara?" he asked taking a sip of his water. The maknea line became silent, they didn't hear or saw her after she left the room, she was probably sleeping but knowing her she would wake up miserably.

"Jungkook and Nara had a fight." Tae said not looking up from his phone like it was a very common happening.

"Again? It's just Wednesday and it's your third one I think?" Jungkook shrugged his shoulders "It is our problem." With that, he stood up and walked away from them. "Is it me or is the maknea line getting mouthier and mouthier in a bad way?" Hobi asked Yoongi who was shrugging his shoulders and saying "They don't mean it, I think they are still stuck in puberty."

A knock on the door made the youngest female startle in bed. She woke up ten minutes ago with tears flowing from her eyes. Those stupid dreams, how did she even fall asleep? Wiping her tears away with the sleeves of her sweater she opened the door. She met the person who caused her to be in this bedroom alone. "What do you want?" she said cursing that her voice cracked a little at the end "Can we talk?" he asked. She looked at him, she knows he didn't mean a single word earlier, the guilt was dripping off his face, his shoulders were slightly bent, and his hands were in his pockets. It made him look like the first time they met each other. He didn't dare to say a word, she was not only a girl, everything she did was praised and he felt a little jealous at times. This feeling made it only worse because he know she was a good friend, and friends are not jealous of each other. She was his partner in crime, came up for him, or took the blame for things she did not do. She was there when he had his down moments when he missed his family when he needed help even with school. At the end of the day, it was always them two together, no matter what. Their connection was strong and sometimes the world outside thought they were more than friends but they knew better. The other one made the other stronger, and vice versa. Together they will reach farther in their dreams. All of that knowledge made his words only sound harsher.

"Are you going to blame me for something else or say something that makes me feel awful again?" she asked him, but it made her feel guilty when she saw tears in his eyes. Why was he acting like that? He said those mean words so she could have payback time, but she knows better. Payback was not making them feel better. "No..." he said above a whisper which made her open their door so he could come in. She sat down at her bed when Jungkook stood still a few centimeters farther not knowing what to do. Sighing she looked at him "You have two choices; otherwise you gonna apologize for being a jerk or otherwise you can leave the room again and think about option one." With attitude, she crossed her arms. The boy started to shake his head no and ran towards her "No, no, I am sorry, what I said earlier I didn't mean it. I don't even know why I said those words, I felt hurt and thought about something that may hurt you. It is childish I know and I am so sorry."  He said in one breath almost clinging to the girl and begging to be forgiven.

She knows she crossed the line too "Kook, hurting each or saying mean things is not what friends do. I know what I said made you angry, hurt and I am sorry for that too-", the sound of applause made the two look up.

What was going on why were Hobi, Tae, and Jimin standing in the doorway "my babies are growing up, see they didn't even need us to fix things between them." Hobi said while coming closer and laying one of his arms on each shoulder.

"Growing? They were fighting about this chocolate bar..." Tae rolled his eyes while showing a half-eaten chocolate bar. "You ate the chocolate?" the girl looked at Jungkook, but he put his hands in the air "I did not."

Both of them looked at the person who got the bar in his hands "Hyung! You did that? Why?" they asked Tae, he shrugged his shoulders turning around "Because it was mine but if you both are back to normal behavior, I will go to the convenience store to buy some more." The two makneas looked at each other in shock but suddenly jumped out of Hobi's arms "Wait Oppa/hyung!" they heard his laugh 'You two are too slow!" he yelled while putting on his shoes.

"Hyung, I don't get it. First, they were bickering about a chocolate bar, then they ignored each other and when we came inside, they were making it up without our help. What is happening?" A smiling Hobi placed an arm around Jimin's shoulder "Well, that means that our makneas are growing up in their own way but wait... your weren't lying if you told me they were bickering about a chocolate bar?" Jimin nodded his head and walked back to the couch leaving a dumbfounded Hoseok behind.

a/n: hi 👋

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