BTS RUN: Picnic

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BTS Short trip: Picnic - BTS Run Ep: 53-54-55-56

Bus Ride
"Run, BTS," they all shouted in unison, just as they always did to kick off their show. The members were visibly excited as they settled into a van. In the front seats, sat Jimin and Yoongi, while Taehyung and Jin occupied the seats behind them. Jungkook had a single seat next to Jin. In the back, there was a three-seat seat with Namjoon, Na-Rae, and Hoseok. They all wore matching T-shirts that brought a smile to Na-Rae's face as she looked down. One of her "Oppas" had his face printed clearly on the shirt - it was Taehyung, captured while eating on Achasan Mountain.

"Why are we on this bus, director?" Jungkook asked, seeking answers to their upcoming adventure.

"Today's theme for Run BTS is a short trip," the director explained as they headed toward their destination, "We'll hit the road, shop for groceries, and then continue to our destination." The director picked up a schedule to review the activities. "We'll play badminton, enjoy a board game, and have some free time to play around. Later, we're going to write letters. After dinner, we'll have a singing contest and we end the day with a campfire before we sleep." It was clear to Na-Rae that everything was planned out till the minute, no time for personal space at all.

The members were thoroughly entertained by the schedule. "Good!" Jungkook clapped his hands, appearing to be the happiest among them.

"Is there no nap time?" Na-Rae asked, prompting laughter from everyone and some head-shaking. They all knew that such a question could only come from her.

"You can do whatever you like during your free time," the director assured her. "We'll start the first game now. You'll play eight games to earn snacks. If you win against a staff member, you get the snacks. Each of these blue papers has a snack written on it. The red papers indicate which game you'll play. Jimin and Suga, please choose a paper."

"The first snack is 'Gummy bears,'" Yoongi declared, causing Na-Rae to cheer up and clap her hands. Snacks makes everything good, right?

"I want some!" she cheered, and Namjoon nodded in agreement. "I'll share them with her," he offered, leading to some members sighing, knowing that those two would likely consume all the candies they would win.

"The game is Cham Cham Cham," Jimin announced.

"Who's up for it?" Hoseok asked.

Yoongi declined, admitting he was not confident and usually lost at this game. Hoseok and Jungkook, on the other hand, were eager to play.

"Do you trust me?" Hoseok asked the others, to which Na-Rae nodded, but her laughter burst out when Jimin, in a savage modus, said, "No."

"Please say cheer up," Hoseok said with a smile, giving Na-Rae a nudge to stop her laughter.

In the game, Hoseok and Jungkook emerged as the winners, prompting cheers from the members.

"Thank you, hyung!" Na-Rae said with her mouth full of gummy bears, Hoseok smiled as he patted her head, sneaking a gummy bear from her package. "Oppa, those are mine," she whined. "Here are yours," she added, handing him another package. The girl continued to munch on her snacks as they played on to earn more.


"Okay, that's all for now. Now, you need to shop for groceries at a big supermarket. But there's a catch - you can only buy up to 10 kilograms of items."

"Really?" "10 kilograms?" "We need to buy light stuff," the boys chatted among themselves while Na-Rae was still enjoying her dried squid, walking around dreamy.

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