A rough day at school

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"Another day of school," Na-Rae sighed, eyeing herself in the mirror. Lately, getting ready for school has become a serious challenge. The routine of getting ready for class and just mustering the energy to walk to school felt like a mountain to climb. Despite acing her classes, the whole process of showing up and sitting through them seemed like a major drag.

She stood there, staring at her reflection, a moment of hesitation before she sighed again. "Come on, Na-Rae, you've got this," she muttered to herself, trying to muster some motivation. If some of the boys had heard her by now, they would have thought she was going nuts. "It's just another day. You're acing everything, right?" Her eyes met those in the mirror, seeking assurance.

A glimmer of optimism sparked in her eyes as she reminded herself, that they got P.E today. It was one of the best days out of the week, finally, a chance to throw on that comfy training. The thought of ditching her school skirt for those comfy clothes excited her, and if there was a chance to make that swap, she'd be the first in line.

Things got kinda wobbly at school when they switched up the classes this year. Not sitting with Jungkook in class wasn't the end of the world, but this new girl Minji saw it as an opportunity to be a pain. Most of Na-Rae's friends ended up in different classes, but she was lucky to have Junha still by her side. 

Junha wasn't a big talker, but Na-Rae liked having her around. She'd cover for Na-Rae when she couldn't make it to school, share homework updates, and swap notes. Even at lunch, Na-Rae found herself often eating Junha's mom's food, knowing that the girls otherwise ditched lunch break. She even attempted to intervene in the bullying, frequently urging Na-Rae to take action. However, Na-Rae, being stubborn, resisted and made her promise not to say anything at all.

Walking through the bustling hallways of their high school, Na-Rae accompanied by Jungkook greeted friends with smiles that didn't quite reach her eyes. She exchanged a few hugs with friends but, a gnawing uneasiness settled in her stomach.

Na-Rae thought already about what would happen when she took the first step into her class. The routine was predictable, starting with hushed whispers and feigned laughter echoing in her direction. Mocking glances were sure to follow, casting a shadow on her every step. The atmosphere would be tense, and Junha one of her best friends would try to cover for her but wouldn't do anything because Na-Rae asked her to not mingle in her business.

Saying goodbye to her friends, Na-Rae went to her class, hoping Junha would be there. But she knew Junha wouldn't go in first, and besides, she was still sick. The hallway felt quiet as Na-Rae walked to her class, feeling a mix of hope and worry.

Walking into the classroom, Na-Rae immediately spotted the usual group of students who seemed determined to make her life difficult. They snickered and whispered, shooting glaring looks her way as she put her stuff in her locker and grabbed her math book and pencil case.

Trying her best not to roll her eyes and set off Minji, Na-Rae attempted to take her seat. It baffled her why she had become the target of their bullying. She never did anything wrong or even talked to Minji and her followers, who were just classmates a year ago, not minding or talking to her. Na-Rae was always polite, and while she had her stubborn moments, she never hurt anyone.

Getting to her desk was a challenge when Minji decided to stand in front of her. What was Minji up to now? Occasionally, Minji tossed her book on the ground, making a sarcastic show of it. Na-Rae tried to ignore it all, but Minji didn't stop. It even got worse – by pulling her hair and even cutting the sleeve of her t-shirt once.

That evening, Na-Rae had to explain to Jin why her t-shirt had cuts in it. Finding it in the wash like that was no easy thing to explain. So, she came up with a story about a new game in her class, where you had to answer right to a question or otherwise you needed to do a dare. Jin seemed suspicious, but he let it slide, thinking it was just some silly thing kids do these days. It relieved Na-Rae that she got her older member off her back not suspicious of anything.

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