Shadows are everywhere...

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Warning: This chapter contains scenes that may be distressing for some readers, including depictions of panic attacks, intense drama, and threats. Reader discretion is advised. If you find such content triggering or uncomfortable, please proceed with caution or consider skipping this chapter. Take care of yourself while reading, and don't hesitate to reach out for support if needed.

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The chilly night air brushed against Na-Rae's skin as she jogged through the streets, her breath coming out in wispy puffs of mist. Despite the brisk pace, she still felt the lingering effects of the previous evening's escapade with her friends. It had been a night of laughter and indulgence, a welcome break from the usual routine.

Conscious of her image, Na-Rae had embraced the "YOLO" mantra for the night, diving headfirst into the festivities. And when she felt the alcohol start to weigh her down, she made a somewhat responsible choice. She had dialed the one person she knew wouldn't give her a hard time— Yoongi. Even though he had just returned home from his studio and wasn't planning on going out, he couldn't ignore the sound of her giggles and nonsense on the other end of the line. With a mix of concern and amusement, he came to her rescue, making sure she got home safely and even stayed the night to keep an eye on her and he wasn't planning to go back to his apartment that early in the morning.

As Na-Rae ran farther, a soft smile tugged at the corners of her lips when the familiar melody of TXT's newest song filled her ears. It was the perfect track to accompany her journey, each beat syncing perfectly with her strides. Closing her eyes for a moment, she let the comforting voice of Yeonjun wash over her. Even in his rap verses, his voice had a soothing quality that could ease her worries no matter where she was or what she was doing.

Oh, how she missed him. She had heard his voice earlier that morning, but what she truly longed for was his comforting presence by her side. Just the thought of him being home, wrapping her in a warm hug and assuring her that everything would be okay, brought a pang of longing to her heart. But with Yeonjun currently away on tour, the apartment they shared with Jungkook felt strangely empty, even as she approached it.

Their living situation was quite something else, with the three of them occupying a two-level apartment that had been carefully crafted for privacy and comfort. It was Jungkook who initially suggested they all live together, and Yeonjun readily agreed. He couldn't bear the thought of Na-Rae being alone for too long, not because she couldn't handle it, but simply because he didn't want her to feel lonely.

Together, they scoured the city for the perfect building, settling on one that needed a bit of TLC. But with two spacious lofts stacked on top of each other and an elevator conveniently located in their kitchens, they transformed it into a cozy two-loft apartment that could be used as one in need. And when they craved some solitude, all it took was a simple flick of a switch to escape the hustle and bustle of the world and revel in their private sanctuary. It was truly remarkable how technology could streamline their lives and make everything just a little bit easier.

As Na-Rae approached her apartment building, a mix of emotions washed over her. It was supposed to be a place of comfort, but recent events had tainted that sentiment. The knowledge that some people had discovered where the three idols lived filled her with a sense of unease. There were always a few individuals who developed an unhealthy obsession with celebrities, and Na-Rae couldn't shake the feeling of being watched.

Deciding to take the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator, Na-Rae's heart raced with each step she climbed. She knew it was a small act of defiance, but it helped to ease her mind. The thought of sharing the elevator with strangers made her skin crawl. What if one of them was one of the sasaengs who had been following her for the past few months? Even though she was disguised with layers of clothing, the fear of being recognized lingered in the back of her mind, and she couldn't bring herself to take that risk.

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