First time drunk

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Jungkook and Na-Rae's room

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Jungkook and Na-Rae's room

"And cheers to another year," Na-Rae clinked her bottle with Jungkook, celebrating the arrival of the New Year in the middle of June.

"Cheers to my best friend and all my other friends." Jungkook was feeling the alcohol's warmth, held his chest with one hand, and began making a series of promises. "I promise to be a good boy and listen to everyone. I promise to make everyone happy and create more fantastic music with my best friends. I promise-"

"Yeah, just shut it. You promise too much. Just make it clear, and let's drink." She playfully pushed him away, causing a few drops of Soju to spill onto the carpet where they were sitting. "Salut!"

"Salut?" he questioned, a hint of laughter in his voice.

"I don't know, it just feels right, so Salut!" She raised her bottle, waiting for him to join in the cheer.

"Ok. Salut."

With that, they touched their bottles together and downed another bottle of Soju. Na-Rae, already on her second bottle, was amused to see Jungkook had reached his third. Despite being old enough to drink, they had never really had the chance to get properly drunk. This afternoon, however, they were determined to test their limits, consequences be damned.

As the day went on, the Soju started to kick in. Na-Rae couldn't stop giggling at Jungkook trying to dance to music that wasn't there. Jungkook, on the other hand, began sharing random thoughts about the universe and the meaning of life, each idea followed by bursts of laughter. They goofed around, doing silly things one after another, turning the room into a fun mess.

In the middle of their playfulness, Na-Rae accidentally spilled more Soju on the floor, making them laugh even more. Jungkook, trying to be a hero, almost slipped while trying to clean it up, causing another round of shared laughter.

As they kept sipping on their Soju, they found themselves having serious talks. Their friendship was strong, and they usually shared everything, but this time, Na-Rae found herself talking about her worries more openly because Jungkook was doing the same.

It felt good for both of them to share these moments. They clinked their bottles again, saying, "To the best day ever, thank you." Just as they took a sip, they heard a knock on the door. Who dared to interrupt their time?

"Nara-shi, Jungkook-ah! Come downstairs, it's time to eat," a voice called from behind their door.


Meanwhile at Bangtang's dorm:

Jin and Yoongi got home, the two were the only ones who needed to spend time at work today. They were excited to finish some parts of their new album. "Finally home!" Jin happily sighed, seeing Taehyung chilling on the couch. "V!" he greeted with a big smile.

"Hyung, you're back already? I thought you two were staying at work late tonight?" Taehyung asked, looking up.

"Nah, Jin hyung was super fast today, like Speedy Gonzales or something," Yoongi chuckled as he sat down.

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