Rehearsal Incident

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A/N: Currently, not me... sipping on hot milk ☃️ and munching on a Nutella sandwich as I write this chapter. It might sound a bit weird, but hey, we all have our unique ways of writing, right?

This chapter was inspired by recent news articles highlighting the alarming number of people ending up in the hospital due to mishandling fireworks. Fireworks can be beautiful but If you ever contemplate putting on fireworks, please exercise caution. The risk of third-degree burns and other injuries is significant.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter! If you do, feel free to show some love by giving it a vote, leaving a comment, or sharing the story. Sending virtual hugs to all of you. Much love, Chalie.

⚠️ Oh, and one more thing: brace yourself for this next chapter, it's filled with intense drama again! Read at your own risk, ... 💕

The stage was buzzing with energy as Na-Rae rejoined her fellow members after a quick bathroom break. Laughter echoed through her earpiece, and she spotted the boys goofing off on the farthest stage, eagerly waiting for her to resume practice.

"Na-Rae, we're starting without you!" Taehyung's playful voice chimed in her ears, prompting a chuckle from her as she shook her head in amusement.

"I'm already on stage, Yah! I am not an ant here," she responded through her microphone, her banter adding a light-hearted touch to the atmosphere. The stage crew busily reconnected her wireless microphone system, giving her control over her audio equipment during the performance.

"Ah, there she is!" Jungkook exclaimed, waving in her direction. Na-Rae smiled and waved back, appreciating the playful camaraderie among the group. They acted as if she had been gone for hours when, in reality, it was just a brief ten-minute break.

"Let's set up the stage for 'Fire,'" Hoseok announced over the microphone, signaling the beginning of another round of practice for their upcoming concert.

"You can start already. I'll join in around the second verse, and the dance kicks in after a minute. I'll run over there," Na-Rae informed her enthusiastic bandmates, reassuring them that they could begin without her for the initial part of the song.

True to her words, the intro of "Fire" filled the air, and Na-Rae found herself fully made up and ready to perform. With eagerness, she darted toward the smaller stage where the boys were playfully goofing, making the most of their rehearsal and enjoying every moment.

While dashing across the stage, an unexpected mishap disrupted her smooth sprint. To her dismay, one of her essential items, her earpiece, unexpectedly became dislodged, tumbling through the air before landing somewhere on the stage floor. Feeling a bit flustered, she hurled herself onto the stage, desperately searching for the tiny yet vital device that linked her to the heartbeat of their music. The device itself was quite colorful, orange with a white daisy on it.

Undisturbed by the ticking clock, Na-Rae frantically searched for the piece that brought her even closer to the edge of the stage. No, it wasn't off the stage, she thought. She heard it even through the loud music, falling on the stage. So, she decided to take a step back before she could fall off. Still, it needed to be there somehow. She walked on her knees and hands on the edge of the stage.

"Dammit, where is it?" she whispered, knowing that the boys probably heard it by now because she was wearing a wireless microphone. However, they weren't really paying attention or so she thought.

Little did she know, the stage around her was transforming into a canvas of light and warmth. The pyrotechnics were having some defaults today, and the experts were testing it out because the song "Fire" featured a lot of those fireworks that shined in the air. Unexpectedly, they didn't think Na-Rae would be so close to one of them. Her leg was resting almost on one of them, and before the breathtaking display once burst into fire in the air, someone loudly yelled her name.

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