Aeon of Desires

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The apparitions of Phantasmagoria ceased during the daylight. All that remained was a beautiful light-blue sky, puffy clouds, and a gentle breeze that allowed fallen leaves to drift through the air, as if an invisible creek ran between the trees. The outside world barely had a chance to touch my senses since the passing of Riyon. I never even reunited with Taro and Nell in the fields beyond Iniko. Instead, I left them with only my abandonment. I wish it were different.

For the first while of our hike, we all silently walked through this strange forest. The aesthetics and the harmony of the bird songs kept us quiet. Soothed our souls. Residual phantasms glittered the paths we walked upon, bubbling up and disintegrating before they fully formed. Mist coated the ether, giving the forest an underwater appearance.

Finally, Pandora broke the silence, "Isn't it magical, Guhya? I've never been to a place like this

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Finally, Pandora broke the silence, "Isn't it magical, Guhya? I've never been to a place like this. The mist, the fresh cool air, the way the light bends through the canopy, making the fog glow. It's all so wonderful."

Still tired, I said, "Yeah." I turned to Gadi and asked, "So... how soon will we get to the temple?"

He responded, "Well! We are about halfway to the point of fate. This encounter won't be too difficult, so don't let yourself fret. I bet that you'll do just fine. Lest we rest with our corpses in demise."

I responded impulsively harshly, "I'm guessing you can't really stop talking that way due to whatever is wrong with your brain."

This time, Pandora actually defended him, "Guhya! Don't be so cruel." It was impressive. She didn't even like the guy.

Gadi was pleased with her intervention. He continued, "We are actually entering the edge of the Creators' Lair now."

Eccentric crystalline structures sprouted from the Earth. A variety of colors and shapes decorated their surfaces. Their designs ranged from transparent holographic shimmers to opaque multi-colored bismuth. These growths tinted and bent the light of the sun, creating prismatic kaleidoscopic patterns throughout the hazy air. I asked, "What's all this stuff? I take it, these aren't phantom images anymore."

A mysterious male voice responded, "It's incredible, isn't it?"

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A mysterious male voice responded, "It's incredible, isn't it?"

In a defensive rush, I spun around and prepared to fight. "Just who the hell are you??"

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