Chapter 7 - Smoke and Mirrors

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This wasn't fair.

Blue had always been good and helpful and tried not to complain about anything. And yet, he had woken up that morning to the smell of smoke. It was still dark and luckily he escaped in time, but it didn't help when everything he had known his whole life went up in flames.

No one was injured seeing how it was just Blue there. His brother was missing and their parents had been dead for a while at that point.

No matter how hard he tried to help, sometimes the world felt like it was against him. It was probably those bandits again, lighting things on fire for fun, and ransacking the village.

Someone needed to stop them, but so far the king's knights had failed. That gave Blue an idea. He could do it. He could become a knight, stop the bandits and then he'd have enough resources to help people and search for his brother.

No more waiting around and being helpless. This time, Blue could be the one doing the saving instead of being saved.

Blue turned to Reaper. "Are you not hungry?"

The strange skeleton hadn't touched the stew at all. "I'm not exactly like the rest of you, I don't need to eat," Reaper explained.

"So how do you not die?," Dream asked.

"I absorb soul energy from living beings, tends to kill them, so I just do that from plants now. Takes a lot more, but I don't feel bad about it."

"Does that mean I can have your food?," Killer asked, startling the group. He had apparently walked over there without anyone noticing.

Reaper seemed surprised. "...Sure."

He handed over the bowl which Killer snatched and basically dumped it in his mouth, not bothering with utensils. It of course made a mess in his face and clothing, which he just scooped up with his hand, and then licked it off his hand.

"Ew," Dream said. Understandable that was pretty disgusting.

"Trust me, you would eat everything in sight too if you tried the food at the institution. Yuck," Killer said. He recoiled at the last part, clearly he didn't have a fun time at this institution place.

"If you hated it there, why didn't you leave?," Blue asked.

"Tried to, they keep the place locked up tight. You maul one guy and suddenly they deem you a danger to society. Bastard had it coming. Eh, he lived, don't worry about it." Killer was so nonchalant as he said that, as if it was a totally normal thing to talk about.

The group was stunned into silence by all these sudden revelations, but Killer was not bothered at all.

He turned to Dream, titling his head to the side a bit like a curious dog. "Can I have your food?"

Dream handed over the bowl. "I wasn't that hungry anyway"

Killer scarfed that in the same manner. He sure has a healthy appetite; too bad he tended to ruin everyone else's.

Blue expected Killer to leave after he got food, but instead he sat down with them. Looking over at Fresh, he started talking, somehow completely unaware of any social cues. "What is that guy's problem? I haven't even done anything to him and he hates me."

"Time traveling is just like that sometimes. Fresh hates me for... existing I guess...," Geno said. How long had they been there? "Not really fair, I didn't exactly consent to being alive, but I can't die either, so..."

Blue didn't really catch that last part. He was staring over at Cross. Something about the pirate felt strangely familiar, and it had bothering him since their first interaction. There was a superstition about something like that, but for the life of him, Blue couldn't remember how it went. He had never really believed in things like that.

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