Chapter 8 - New Friends and Old Wounds

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Sci had always been independent. He didn't need to know about his birth family; they put him up for adoption. He didn't want to talk to his adopted family; they were pieces of shit. He didn't need friends; they only disappointed him.

So, it may come as a shock to hear that at one point Sci went to a group therapy. This is where he met two very important people. Great start, right? You already know they're gonna have some issues.

But that is where he met a half-blind skeleton, but they didn't talk until after the session was over and Sci was trying to go home.

"Hey, umm, Shatter? Was it? I'm Science. I know we just met. Do you need help with anything?" Maybe it was because of the disability or maybe it was just that he saw a kindred spirit, but either way, some social interaction was welcome.

"My brother is gonna be here in a minute. You don't have to wait with me just because I can't see that well. I can take care of myself just fine," Shatter replied.

"Actually, I wanted to talk because of what you said back there. I know what's it's like to feel unloved and abandoned," Sci said. "Sorry, is that too weird and forward?"

"No," he replied, not as defensive as before, "I mean I did come to a group therapy session. Talking to people is kinda expected. You want to talk until my brother get here?"

And somehow something that he thought was going to be a terrible experience started Sci on a path that gave him the best part of his life.

It's strange like that sometimes; how all your expectations can go out the door in an instant. How quickly everything changes. No amount of time can ever make a goodbye easier.

"No way, party crasher," said the odd one in neon clothing. He had a name tag. It read Fresh. Convenient.

"I don't know if you noticed this, dumbass, but you kinda interrupted something very important," the one who threatened him with a blade earlier said. Their name tag labeled them Geno.

"Well, I did just kinda invent a time machine, so if anything I'm a smartass," Sci said.

"Oh, you're a smartass alright," Geno replied. They were not amused.

Time to pull out the big guns. "Please, please, please please pleasepleaseplease pretty please. I will leave right after, I just want to help." And then to really sell it, Sci did the best puppy dog eyes he could muster.

"Group meeting: hallway. You stay here," Fresh said.

The group walked to the door followed by a large reddish brown dog with pointed ears, who had on a thin chain with a large red target charm on it.

"Not you, Killer, you watch him," Fresh told the dog before shoving a red and black plaid bandana on him and quite rudely shutting the door in the poor thing's face. Judging by the scraps of cloth on the floor, the dog had a habit of ripping up stuff.

The dog, who's name was apparently Killer, seemed to roll his eyes and padded over to Sci, sitting down and watching him attentively.

"You're Killer, Huh?," Sci asked.

Killer tilted his head, showing that he was paying attention and recognized his name. Up close, he was even more massive that Sci first thought.

"That's a big tough name for a sweet boy," Sci said, in that baby-talk way that everyone speaks to dogs with.

While not obvious, the reaction was immediate, a small tail wag. That was promising.

He put a hand out for Killer to sniff. "Are you a good boy?"

The dog sniffed his hand, not being aggressive at all. At that point, Sci felt safe to pet the large animal. Killer seemed to really enjoy it as his tail was wagging and he leaned into the pets.

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