Chapter 10 - Mission: Disaster

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Growing up, the pack had taught Killer to never be ashamed of himself or apologetic for who he is. That was the core of werewolf beliefs, self acceptance and expression.

Those who rejected themselves were given a different name. These are called tail-cutters and it is the most vile insult that can be given to any werewolf.

While conformity was almost a direct opposite of werewolf ideals, it was what pretty much every one else wanted from him. Things were a lot easier as a carefree pup.

A small Killer tackled one of his sisters. "I got you fair and square that time."

"No, I say that wasn't fair and you're still it,"
She said. "It's almost time for bed so I win."

"But you're just changing the rules so that you win!," Killer protested.

"That's the point." She went off to bed, leaving him to sulk.

The sun was still setting when the den mother sat beside him. Fawn was older and wiser than most being the leader, but no less caring and could always connect with her pups. "Sometimes, life's not fair small one. If you only ever play by their rules, you'll never win. Now go, it's bed time."

Walking into the nursery, Killer saw the sister he had been playing with earlier had laid down to sleep, and with the talk he just had fresh on his mind, he jumped on her.

"Actually, I've decided that I win today," he declared proudly. Looking to the exit, the den mother gave a small smile of approval and Killer was elated. He laid down in his own bed and happily went to sleep.

In the few days the group had been at the farmhouse, not much had changed. Killer continued his protest outside mostly alone with occasional company from Sci or Nightmare. He wasn't quite sure what to make of the prince's company at first, but now it was actually quite welcome. Werewolves are very social creatures so Killer gets a bit sad when he's by himself.

This was one of those moments when he was glad for these still basically strangers wanting to be around him. Having been stuck in the facility and denied of his less socially acceptable needs left Killer feeling very empty. Curled up against Sci in his wolf form, he did feel that comfort he had been missing for a while.

"So basically, the theory was that since it's all but impossible to flow against time, there must be some alternate realm that exists outside of time that things pass through when they time travel. I tried and tried, but so far that place seems to be impossible to make contact with, but there could be a whole other world, a whole other universe, another reality connected to ours!" Sci tended to ramble on when talking about his research into time travel. "I still can't find any way to actually enter or interact with that space despite my best attempts."

"Maybe you can't interact with it because it has its own magic frequency. In that case you'd need something from there to be able to do anything," Nightmare said.

The scientist was in shock for a moment. "You're a prince and you're smart? Marry me please."

Nightmare laughed a bit nervously, with a hand on the back of his neck. Luckily, he was saved by an approaching member of the group.

"Fresh wants everyone inside for a meeting. It's important apparently," Ink said, stoic as ever. He was sketching in a booklet and not actually looking at any of them.

"Oh. Well, we were just talking about time travel and the space outside time. It's a really weird and cool thing. Do you want hear about it?"

"You mean the Anti-Void?" The artist asked flatly, never looking up.

Sci froze again, his face filled with wonder and shock. Ink made no reaction and retreated back to the farmhouse completely unbothered by this apparently massive revelation.

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