Chapter 3 - Introductory PowerPoint

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One of the nurses walked up to a police officer. "The paperwork is all good. DNA's been collected, test results should be back in a few days. We patched him up, looked worse than it actually was. Medical records are on file for when you need 'em. You're free to take him for questioning."

The officer nodded and the nurse walked over to his patient, a bundle of clothes in hand.

Lust was more than happy to have his clothing returned to him, especially his favorite lavender hoodie; thank god he hadn't been wearing it earlier or he wouldn't have gotten it back. The hospital gown was not working for him at the moment. He stepped into the bathroom to change, not wanting to be any more exposed in front of these strangers.

He paused when he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. A deep gash on the left side now went through his none-existent eyebrow. It was small, one about an inch and half long, but it would scar. A permanent reminder of this day, whether it would turn out good or bad, he'd just have to wait and see.

Lust cowered in the one hiding spot he could find, in a corner behind the trash can. Questions raced through his mind. What is going on? Where in the world is he? Who are these people? What do they want from him?

Across the room, the only door opened and Lust ducked back behind the trash bin. There was talking, but he couldn't make out most of it over his own panicked breathing.

"10, 11... wait, we're missing someone. That's not coolio, bros."

"Oh, shut up skater boy. There's only one exit."

Lust started to panic even more. He held his knees to his chest, starting to rock back and forth. Dark spots were starting to appear. He was hyperventilating.

The next thing he knew, his cover was gone and he was cornered by a large group, that he couldn't make out that well.

Lust fumbled grabbing something from his pocket, but managed to pull out his switchblade, clicking the blade free. With the knife pointed at the perceived attackers, Lust started to feel a tiny bit less helpless. "F-Fuck O-o-off."

One of them was saying something,
but they looked more like a dark mass than anything. "B... up.......try...thing"

Most of the group disbanded, leaving only one representative. Lust's eyes were unable to focus, so all he could make out was general shapes and colors, all details were lost with the switching focus. What he could make out was the stranger was wearing some sort of purple shirt.

"Hey...ou...ok? ...gone.," Lust got the general idea of what he was saying.

Lust started to calm down, no longer being overwhelmed by too many people. He put away the switchblade. This one seemed to be trying to help. Words started to make more sense.

"I'll .e ri... back." He left and quickly returned with a black fabric of some kind. A cloak maybe?

Lust accepted it anyway and wrapped it around himself, it wasn't a blanket, but good enough. "Thank you."

At this point. The vision had cleared up, so Lust could make out details of the stranger. He was short. The purple shirt was actually a tunic, which matched his eyes and he wore a silver crown with a crescent moon engraved into it.

"It's no problem, Ive seen plenty of panic attacks before. I'm Nightmare. And your name is?"


Nightmare offered out a hand to help him up. He hesitated but took it, holding onto the makeshift blanket with the other hand.

"So, broskis, can we get back to the dealio now? It's kinda a big situation." The new dude's clothing was so brightly colored that Lust wasn't sure what was what, other than the obnoxious backwards hat that he wore, and the sunglasses with neon lettering over the lens. He tossed some small rectangular shapes made of hard plastic at them. Turning it over in his hand, Lust realized it was a name tag. He took another look at the one who tossed it at him, noting that he wore a name tag that read 'Fresh'.

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