Chapter 20 - Path Paved with Regret

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On the river bank, Reaper carefully poked a plant with a stick. He jumped back as if it would explode, falling into the mud. Hesitantly, he peeked at the plant; it didn't die. That meant that this experiment was a success.

"So this is before the first story about him then?"

"Yes, and I was getting there before you so rudely interrupted," they teased.

The other laughed. "You haven't changed at all." That of course, couldn't be further from the truth.

Reaper was too occupied with his success to care that he was in fact now covered in mud. He definitely should've cared though, because he was filthy. Regardless, it would seem that his powers can't affect anything when using a non-living object as a buffer.

This was all of course without going into if could pass through inorganic matter or radiate through living things, but for some reason all of these little heathens never think anything through. It's fine. It's fine.

Reaper wasn't sure what he should do now. According to the group leaders, that's being Fresh, Geno, and Classic, and in some instances Fell, everything was on track and all they had to do was lay low for the next three days.

He had decided to trade keycards with Sci so he could bunk with Geno. The scientist was more than happy to oblige since the time traveler wasn't exactly his biggest fan. Reaper was determined to at least try to understand Geno better because he felt some sort of unexplainable connection to them.

Reaper attempted to knock on the door, but it swung open instead. Quickly, he slapped a hand over his eye sockets. "Sorry!"

"I'm changing my bandages. You may want to keep your eyes covered," Geno told him.

"What if I want to look?"

"Trust me, you don't," the time traveler responded. "But since you think you're such a tough guy, go ahead."

Slowly, Reaper moved his hand off of his face. Big mistake. The sight he was greeted with, was something more horrific than he had expected.

The area around their eye socket was a bit cracked and bloody, almost unnaturally red, but that was the least of the damage. Most of it was centered was around the jaw bone. A small chunk of the lower jaw was missing and replaced with a section of blood-rusted metal. Tiny black flecks were imbedded into the bone around the area.

"Are you done staring yet?" Geno interrupted, quickly covering that side of their face again.

"WOW. That looks like it should have killed you."

"It did," they responded plainly.


There was a long silence as Reaper attempted to process this new information. He was still lost in thought when the door to the main ship opened and then shut loudly as Geno left him alone. Head spinning, he scrambled after them. "You can't just say something like that and then walk away."

They didn't even look back as they walked further away. "I did though."

Another announcement echoed through the ship. "Attention passengers, if you would direct your gaze towards the outside walls, I think you'll find that you're in for a show."

Reaper had just caught up to Geno, when, in an instant, the solid metal walls slid away to reveal a layer of glass that allowed a view of the outside. Flashes of color came from smaller crafts moving past. This was clearly some sort of performance as they spun and looped around each other while trails of color poured out behind them.

The entire ship erupted with applause and cheers as the captain came out the comms again. "Welcome to space"

Geno sighed from their spot standing next to Reaper. "Every time"

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