Chapter 16 - Rescue

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Sunlight shone through the leaves of the great tree. Dream was having a great time by himself, skipping rock across a pond. Of course, that came to a halt when he felt people approaching. Quickly, he hid behind the tree, hand held to the trunk so they could speak.

"Dream, why are you hiding?," Terra asked.

"I don't wanna go with them. They think I do things wrong," the small child answered.

"I understand, little one, but it is your purpose to heal and protect. I'll still be here when you get back," they promised. Promises are completely unbreakable to small children, they have such incredible trust in their parental figures. Breaking a promise is unimaginable to them.

Are y-

Thankfully, Terra would be true to their word. Being a tree, where could they go?

Dream did step out from hiding to greet the approaching villagers, albeit reluctantly, not that his bright smile and positive aura would give that away.

"Oh, there you are Dream," one of them said.

"Yep, I'm right here. What do you want?"

Dream reached for the flask, but stopped. He used the wrong hand. He stared at Dust, expecting to be reprimanded, but that didn't happen.

"It's not poisoned," Dust said. He took a small sip to reassure Dream. It was nice of him to try.

After taking another moment to calm himself, Dream reached for the flask again, this time with his right hand. The cool metal pressed into the cut on his hand, stinging slightly.

"What's your favorite color?," Dust asked.

"Purple," Dream answered. He took a sip from the flask and then passed it back to Dust, feeling a flash of surprise from the other. It was strange to be feeling other people's feelings again.

"Really? I wouldn't have guessed that. Why?"

"It reminds me of the night sky. What about you?"

"Grey-ish blue," Dust answered.

"Like your jacket?"

A sadness seeps into Dust's emotions, but is quickly shoved down and covered. "...Yeah"

They talked for a while longer, trading off the flask, progressively getting more drunk.

"Sooo, raised by a tree? What's up with that?," Dust asked. There was more curiosity than anything else.

"Wasn't just the tree. There was a whole village, but mostly the tree," Dream explained. It wasn't quite fair to give the whole village credit, they mostly just wanted him to do things for them and didn't actually care about him as a person.

"Yeah, but like, how does one end up with a magical tree for a parent?"

"The tree is my mother," Dream stated.

"Someone fucked a tree?"

He couldn't help but to laugh. "That's so not how it works."

"How does it work then?," Dust asked.

"'S a wishing tree. Someone willed me to exist so I exist now. Kinda bullshit"

"I'm kinda disappointed there wasn't tree fucking."

They both started cracking up. Happiness filled the room and Dream felt a little magic spark in his right hand. The door opened with a slam as a large creature appeared and the two of them jumped back in surprise and slight fear, drowning out the previous happy emotions.

The creature radiated concern as it say before them and shifted back into its other form. "Are you two ok? You smell drunk," Killer said.

"Is fine," Dust answered, attempting to seem sober.

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