Chapter 8.

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         Meadow Blaire

I open my eyes shooting out of sleep. I look at the time, it being 4:48 am. I know I can't go back to sleep so I get up slowly and careful to not wake anyone up, I walk outside shutting the door quietly sitting on a step looking at the sky.

The sun starts to rise and a beautiful sunrise is displayed. I hear the door open and shut, I turn seeing Spencer. Spencer? Why is he up? He speaks tiredly, " Can't sleep? " I shake my head and he sits down saying, " Same. I've had nightmares all night. " I finally speak, " You get nightmares? " He nods, " Yeah, it's normal. I get them pretty often, my childhood wasn't the greatest as everyone else's. " I say, " Your not the only one, I'm sorry you had to go through that. " He responds back, " You went through it to? " I nod saying, " Yep, every single day. " He says, " Are You Ok? " I smile slightly and look over at him, " Mhm, im fine now. Are you? " He nods his head. I nod looking back up to the sky.

We sit for a few minutes in comfortable silence. He suddenly speaks up, " Do you wanna do something?" I look over at him saying, " Like what? " He responds , " Go to McDonald's, get everything off the menu and stuff our faces then give the left overs to the others? " I nod chuckling. I say, " Never could say no to McDonald's. " He laughs, I say, " I'll go get the keys, you get in the car. " He nods walking over to the car as I walk in quietly. I grab the keys walking out.

I get in and start driving, I say, " Ok we need music, play something. " He turns the radio on and Taylor Swift starts blasting. We laugh and I say, " If I sing, you sing okay? " He nods and says, " Ok, but warning I know every single word to this song. " I laugh and nod.

You got that James Dean day dream look in your eye.

We start yelling the lyrics singing.

And I got the red lip classic thing that you like and when we go crashing down.

We come back everytime.

We never go out of style. We never go out of style.

You got that long hair slicked back white t- shirt. And I got that good girl fake in a tight little skirt.

And when we go crashing down we come back everytime.

We never go out of style.

We never go out of style.

This is gonna be my new best friend.

Our song gets interrupted by arriving at McDonald's.  I turn down the volume ordering everything off the menu, we go up to the next window paying then spending 25 minutes in line waiting for our food.

They finally give us it and when I tell you the whole car is full of food. It's completely full.

I park in the parking lot and grab a sausage biscuit while Spencer grabs gravy and biscuits, we stuff our faces with other foods and now we have a food baby.

I start driving home and he says, " This is probably the most fun I've had in a long time. " I respond laughing alittle, " Same here, thank you for coming up with this stupid idea ".


We walk in with food bags and see everyone awake and around a laptop freaking out. I hear Chester say, " I swear if they have got her I with slice every single body part they have. And Make them eat it. " I look over at Spencer and he looks at me like it's normal for him to say that.

For me though?

I walk into the kitchen and say, " We got food, Not dead. " Chester looks over us saying, " Why were y'all two together? " I respond, " We both had nightmares and was awake so we got food. " He sighs speaking, " You about gave me a heart attack. "

I put the food down saying, " Sorry, well guys find anything you want there's everything in there. " Vance reaches in and grabs pancakes slicing it into pieces and pours syrup on it passes it over to poppy. She smiles slightly taking a bite. I smile, " Chester what do you want? " He thinks then speaks, " Did y'all get gravy and biscuits? " I grab a bowl and fork handing it to him. I finish handing food out before sitting down watching everyone eat and talk.


Chester Saorise

I woke up seeing everyone but Meadow. I get up immediately searching room to room to find her.

Vance walks over rubbing his eyes saying, " What's wrong Chester? " I respond angrily, " She's gone. " He goes in the living room waking everyone up.

I ask Elias to track them. He goes into the kitchen opening the laptop trying to track her phone. I'm going to kill someone. My blood is boiling and I still am waiting to torture Killian. That'll happen soon, I say, " I swear if they have got her I will slice every single body part they have and make them eat it." I suddenly hear a voice behind me, " We got food, not dead. " I respond, " Why were you two together? " I look at them. She speaks, " We both had nightmares and was awake so we got food. " I sigh in relief knowing she wasn't hurt. I say, " You about gave me a heart attack. " 

She then puts the food down speaking up, " Sorry, well guys find anything you want there's everything in there. " I see everyone getting food while I watch as Meadow smiles at everyone.

She looks over at me asking, " Chester what do you want? " I think for a moment saying, " Did y'all get Biscuits and gravy? "  She pulls a bowl and fork out handing it to me. We all sit eating and talking.

I stay silent watching Meadow observe, she's an observer.

We catch eye contact and I keep staring into her eyes. She turns after a few moments looking at Poppy.

I chuckle to myself knowing that I made her nervous. She speaks up, " Okay, I'm going to clean up the mess in the living room. " Everyone replies with a simple ' Ok. ' I follow her helping.

She would make an amazing mother. I could bet that with everything I've got, the way she was with Poppy last night says it all. She's got the mothers touch.

We finish cleaning up and I say, " If you want to shower you can go ahead, I might have some extra clothes in my car you could wear. " She smiles and says, " Yes, id love to shower thank you. " I chuckle and say, " It's down the hall to the left. " She nods walking off. I stand watching her for a few seconds then walk out to my car grabbing the clothes for her. I sit the clothes by the door and knock saying, " I left the clothes outside the door! " She responds, " Okay, thank you! " I smile slightly walking back into the living room sitting beside Elias.

He speaks up, " She's the one isn't she? " I look over confused, he resays, " Meadow is the one. " I sigh, " Why is everyone assuming that? " He speaks, " The way you look at her, the way you woke everyone straight up to find her. The way you always want to be by her side, like earlier when she went to clean up the living room. " I say, " Maybe I like her. That doesn't mean I love her. "  I don't know if that's true or not.

He says, " Are you sure ? " I rub my head, " I don't know. She's like my safe place. My best friend. Id do anything for her, she's done so many things in my life already that nobody has been able to do. " He sighs chuckling a little, " Ask yourself this. Do you see a future with her in it? " Yes I do. I want to have it, I need it. I stay quiet a little longer then say, " Yes."

He speaks, " There's your answer Chester. "

Am I inlove with Meadow?


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