Chapter 4.

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                               Meadow Blaire

Its been a week since my parents died. Well my mother died. I never did and never will see my father and a dad figure.

I'm finally the Leader of the Spanish Mafia.

It's hard to be saying that. Because I've always dreamt of being free. Being out of the mafia. But it's my life. I can't help it, so I'm trying to see the best of things. Chester has been a big help. Seriously, he's been there since step one and I'm so greatful for that.

He's coming over today to help me clean out my fathers office so I could make it mine. I'm actually excited, I haven't saw him in a few days because of his empire and things he had to do. It's weird, a week ago I hated him. He was fathers enemy and mine too. He seemed like one of the most pychos in the world. But he's completely different.

I hear a knock on the door and I say, " Come in! " Chester walks in saying , " Hey pretty girl. " I've gotten comfortable with him calling me that. I respond, " Hey Ches. " The other day we agreed on nicknames, We could only call each other. He says, " You ready? " I nod, " Yeah, I can't wait to get rid of all this. " Then we start throwing things away. I find a hidden picture of me and my siblings. I keep it in the keep pile and continue.


It's been 3 hours, we finally finished cleaning out the office. I'm currently making food for us because everyone is out and I let the cooks and everyone have a day.

I turn on music while cooking and hum. Chester went to the bathroom awhile ago so I figured he would come back soon. I start dancing and singing around the kitchen,  I do a twirl and see Chester sitting at the island trying so hard to laugh. I turn the music off embarrassed, he burst out laughing. I haven't heard this laugh before, I've heard a few chuckles but never this. I love it, it's a genuine laugh. I stare blankly at him trying not to smile. He calms down alittle and says, " That was great. " I respond jokingly, " Haha real funny, let's just laugh at Meadow dancing instead of telling her your back. "

He laughs again, " It was nice to see you being yourself, I couldn't ruin that." I smile knowing it's true, I haven't been myself in a long time.

I finish cooking and put the food into bowls and fill cups with water. Chester speaks, " What did you make? " I respond saying, " Baked Ziti. " He looks confused. I say, " It's Italian, it's almost spaghetti. " He nods and I pass the bowl over to him and sit on the next stool beside him. He takes a bite and says, " God this is good." Eating more. I chuckle and continue eating.


We're putting my stuff in the office right now. After we sit on the couch wondering what movie to watch.

He says, " Definitely 365 days. " I look at him shocked and respond, " Say what now. Are you serious? " He says, " Dead serious. " I shrug and turn it on.

We're about an hour or so in and good god. A scene is coming in hot and I internally want to die and crumble in a ball. I mean I'm fine with watching it by myself but him. Chester. Is watching it with me, I look over at him and he's keeping a straight face. As we continue watching.

Thank god, 1 down 100 more to go.

He looks at me while I'm looking at the tv. His staring is burning into my skin. Good god, I hope I'm not as red and I feel. I jump up saying, " I'm going to the bathroom. " He chuckles and I leave embarrassed.

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