New Beginnings

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Waking up to the alarming sound of her alarm clock, Sofia awakened, slightly excited for the the new day ahead. It was her first day at a new school, McKinley High. She got severely bullied at her old school for being a lesbian so had to leave because it was getting out of hand. She put on her clothes and said '' Dad I'm ready!'' her dad then dropped her off. She took a deep breath in and began to walk towards the doors. However, within only walking 4 feet she was stopped by a group of cheerleaders. ''Who's this?'' One of them asked, she had luscious blonde hair and was looking her up and down. ''I'm Sofia, I just moved here.'' she said whilst making it obvious she wanted to leave ''See you around'' she paused '' Sofia'' As they walked away.

Making her way to drama, Sofia was again stopped by a brown haired girl smiling abruptly at her. '' My name is Rachel Berry, you probably already know me. '' Sofia looked at her, confused. ''I noticed you had drama and we are in the same class so I'd like to introduce myself. '' ''Okay?'' Sofia responded. ''I'm part of the glee club, you should try out! Auditions are tommorow.'' she said. ''Wait, there's a glee club? Omg can I join!?'' Sofia exclaimed. ''Well, only if you're talented enough'' responded Rachel as they made their way to drama.

Sofia had settled in nicely on her first day, it wasn't too bad. She did get a few dirty looks from the jocks but she didn't care. Sofia was a rebel. She wasn't like other girls, she was quirky and different. A perfect fit for the glee club!

The next day... Sofia walked in to glee auditions, she knew what song she would be singing, it was Lana Del Rey, young and beautiful. As she was singing the chorus the cheerleaders walked in, one of them looked particularly moved, like she was scheming something. She had finished the song and they walked away. Rachel clapped with a scowl on her face. ''Wow Sofia, that was really good.'' said Mr Schuester. ''Thanks, am I in?'' replied Sofia. '' I think so!'' Mr schuester looked around, there were no objections.

Walking down the hallway, proud of what she had accomplished, Sofia got out her phone and messaged her family group chat, telling them what she had done. Just as she was about to send the text, the phone was knocked out of her hand and a slushie thrown in her face by Dave Karofsky, a football player who hated the glee club and the gays. ''Does he know?'' Sofia thought. She wasn't ready to face what she had at her old school all over again. ''Welcome to the glee club, loser!'' Dave shouted, as he high fived his friend and walked away. Sofia was slightly relieved that he slushied her over being in the glee club and not for being a Lesbian. She was kind of insecure about it and wasn't ready to tell everyone yet.

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