I kissed a girl

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Quinn and Sofia had became close after everyone had gradually stopped speaking to them because of what they they did. I guess you could say they were 'best friends'. It's a weird relationship. It appears as though Quinn actually cares about Sofia, Sofia does too of course but to an extent. Would Sofia and Quinn even be friends if this all didn't happen? Whenever Santana sees Sofia with Quinn she walks the other way and begins to rant to Brittany on why they are so bad for each other.

Walking down the hallway together, they stop by Sofia's locker so she can get the things she needs. ''Hey Sofia?'' Quinn asks, ''What?'' she replies. ''Have you ever thought about joining the cheerios?'' ''I mean, yeah kind of but I'm not fit enough for that'' they both laugh as Sofia enters her locker combo and opens the door. As soon as she does, a note falls out. She picks it up whilst Quinn is rambling on about whether or not she should join the cheerios again. Sofia reads the note 'I'm not homophobic, this is about you. What you're doing to Santana is wrong. What you're doing with Quinn is wrong. She deserves to be with someone that loves her, we all know you're using her.' It was signed, Rachel Berry. Of course it was Rachel.

Quinn notices Sofia has been blankly nodding along and occasionally saying ''yeah'' to what she was saying. She asks Sofia what she was holding, Sofia ignores her, she slams her locker, puts the note in her pocket and begins to sing 'I kissed a girl'.

When she had finished the song, she had made her way to Rachel. ''Rachel, stop spreading your input on things that don't involve you.'' ''Sofia, it does involve me. It involved me as soon as you stole that solo from me.'' ''Ugh, I don't care. Just don't be putting notes in my locker.'' Sofia walked off before Rachel could open her mouth and let something insufferable come out of it again.

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