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It was the day that the glee club needed to perform their Madonna numbers. Rachel and Sofia went first, singing ' Material Girl' . When Sofia was singing it she couldn't help but notice Santana was scowling her the whole time. Did she really hate Sofia that much? After the song had finished, Rachel and Sofia hugged. Brittany rose from her seat and kissed Sofia, causing Santana to walk out. Everyone in the room was wondering why she did it. Brittany chased after her and shouted ''San! Santana stop!'' ''What do you want?'' Santana replied, crossing her arms. ''Why did you walk out?'' Brittany said, innocently. ''I walked out because I hate seeing you two together. We used to be best friends and now the only time I get to spend time with you is when we do a song together, which is like, never.'' Santana stormed off, again and Brittany returned to the choir room.

''What was that about?'' Finn asked, ''Santana just needs time to think.'' replied Brittany. ''She better be here in time for our number.'' added Quinn. The glee club sat and waited for Santana to arrive. When she finally did, she didn't say anything. The Unholy Trinity got up and were ready to perform. They were singing, 'Express yourself' and it was better than anything anyone had seen before, surprisingly better than Rachel and Sofia's duet. Rachel looked at Sofia, in shock. Sofia didn't know what to say. ''Wow! Ladies, that was amazing! I admire the effort that each and every single one of you has put into this.'' said Mr Schue. Everyone cheered and clapped whilst Rachel and Sofia sunk deeper into their seats.

It was lunch and Sofia sat with the glee club. Brittany sat next to her, it was unusual not to see her with the Cheerios but Sofia was glad they were together. Everyone in the glee club sat together, everyone apart from one. Santana. She continued to sit with the Cheerios and would ever so often look at Sofia and Brittany, almost as if she was jealous. As lunch ended, everyone made their way to class. As Sofia was walking down the hallway, Santana was standing in front of her, with about 15 feet distance in between them. Santana stormed towards Sofia and pushed her into a locker. She slapped her and shouted '' Your such a bitch!'' ''I'm such a bitch?'' Sofia replied, ''You're the one literally fighting me right now for no reason!'' Sofia pushed Santana off her, fixing her hair. ''If you do anything to Brittany, ANYTHING, I will show you how we do it in Lima heights.'' Santana walked away, giving bad looks to anyone who dared to stare at her.

After school, Sofia went to Brittany's house and they lay in bed talking. ''Why did Santana do that to you today?'' '' I don't know Britt, I think she is just sad because you guys used to be best friends and now we are spending loads of time together.'' ''Yeah'' Brittany replied. ''I have an idea.'' she said. ''What?'' Brittany ignored Sofia. ''What Britt? Tell me!'' she exclaimed. ''You'll have to see. Come to my house after school tomorrow, I'll show you.'' ''Okay..?'' Sofia replied.

In school the next day, Sofia was worried. She didn't know whether Santana would jump her again or whether she would say something out of pocket. She shouldn't be worrying like this, she thought. After all, Santana was the problem, not her. It was that time of day again were everyone went to the choir room. Madonna week was over so they were excited to see what was next. Brittany sat next to Sofia, laying her head onto Sofia's shoulder. Santana was sitting as far as possible from them. She hated the sight of them together. ''As Madonna week is over, it is time to start thinking about regionals!'' Everyone cheered. ''Now Sofia wasn't here for sectionals so this will be new to her but I'm sure she is ready and we can give her all the help she needs.'' said Mr Schue. ''Yeah, she wasn't here because she was too busy getting bullied for being a lesbian at her old school.'' replied Santana. Sofia turned around to look at her, everyone was already staring. She didn't know what to say. She felt betrayed and hurt deeply. How could she do something like this? She left the classroom crying. Brittany followed her as they went into the bathroom. ''How could she say that in front of everyone?'' she said, wiping the tears from her eyes. ''They probably all support you, Sofia. I do.'' said Brittany as she turned Sofia to face her. ''If they have anything to say, I will stand up for you. She shouldn't be treating you like this, it's mean and it's bullying and I won't tolerate it.'' Sofia laughed. ''I love you, Britt.'' ''I love you too.'' she replied.

As Brittany had told Sofia to go to her house after school. That is what she did. She knocked on the door and Brittany answered. ''Sofia! I'm so glad you're here!'' Sofia smiled, awkwardly. Something felt off. They walked upstairs and went into Brittany's room. ''WHY IS SHE HERE!?'' Sofia exclaimed ''Brittany I am NOT doing this with her, why didn't you tell me about this?'' ''Relax, dwarf. Brittany has brought us here to help us settle our differences.'' Santana said, as she sat in a chair with her arms crossed. ''We only have differences because you choose to hate me. I haven't done anything to you.'' replied Sofia. Still not happy with the fact that she is sitting in a room with her mortal enemy. ''Guys, we can't keep hating each other for any longer. It's getting really sad. You are two people that I care about deeply and I don't like seeing you fight.'' Sofia looked at Santana, Santana looked at Sofia. ''Look, I'm here to apologise. How I have been treating you has been shitty and I'm sorry.'' ''Sorry for outing me in front of the whole glee club?'' Sofia was not having it. ''Everyone already knew! You and Brittany are all over each other ALL THE TIME.'' ''Stop fighting, seriously!'' Exclaimed Brittany. ''To make sure you guys are done, I want you to hug each other. There is nothing wrong with spreading love.'' She said. Sofia sighed, Santana got out of her seat and they hugged hesitantly. It lasted for longer than either of them wanted but it was like some force took over and they couldn't leave. When the hug was done, they were staring at each other, only inches in between them. Santana seemed different. ''Okay, Great!'' Brittany clapped. Sofia and Santana snapped out of the gaze they were locked into. ''Can I go now?'' Santana asked. Yes, but if I see you spreading violence towards anyone, we will have a problem.'' Santana left, brushing past Sofia as she did so. She looked back at her, as if to say something. But left.

Sofia got onto Brittany's bed and they hugged for a while. ''Thanks, Britt. I'm glad you did this.'' she said, looking at Brittany. ''I just hate seeing you guys fighting, I had to do something.'' Brittany replied. ''I know.'' said Sofia, as they shared a kiss and lay down to sleep.

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