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It was the middle of the night and Sofia got woken up by a message from Santana. 

Santana: I'm sorry for being a bitch today. When I'm angry I get overtaken by my alter ego Snixx. You were just unlucky enough to be there for that.

Sofia: Why were you angry? 

She was left on read.

The next day Sofia went to school as usual. Spending most of her day with Brittany, and some of it with Rachel and Kurt. She saw Santana a couple of times but she completely ignored her. Sofia had enough. ''Why are you ignoring me?'' She said, dragging Santana into an empty room to get away from the crowded hallway. '' Why are you, dragging me into a random classroom, is because you're in love with me?'' said Santana, boldly. ''No, are you joking. You've literally been ignoring me all day. Plus you're the only one that knows about why I moved here so don't use it against me.'' replied Sofia. ''Whatever'' said Santana, leaving the classroom.

It was glee rehearsal and Sofia seemed off. She was upset that Santana would say such a thing to her. Brittany noticed this, and asked her if she was okay. Sofia sat there, blank. She was thinking if she should tell Brittany or not. Fuck it. She thought. ''Britt, I need to talk to you. Remember when I was on 'Fondue For Two' and you asked me why I moved here? Well I lied, I moved here because I got bullied at my old school for being a lesbian.'' ''Seriously? That's so racist I'm so sorry you had to go through that.'' replied Brittany. ''Britt, a lesbian is a woman who likes other woman.'' ''Oh, I've made out with tons of girls, that's totally normal. Wait, am I a lesbian?'' asked Brittany. '' Are you attracted to men?'' replied Sofia. ''Yes, I guess. I mean I've made out with everyone at this school.'' Sofia laughed. ''Are you attracted to women?'' ''Well I guess, Santana used to give me sweet lady kisses but she never wants to talk about how she's feeling so we stopped.'' Oh. My. God. Sofia thought. Santana Lopez WAS a lesbian? She was forming a plan in her head. It was perfect.

Mr Schue picked up the whiteboard pen and began writing 'MADONNA' ''Oh my god I love Madonna.'' exclaimed Sofia, smiling at Brittany.  ''Me too'' said Rachel, excitedly.  '' We will be performing Madonna songs for a week, everyone think of songs you would like to perform, either as a duet or in a group or by yourself. '' Sofia looked at Brittany. Rachel looked at Sofia. 

Standing at her locker, applying moisturiser to her face. Sofia was interrupted by Rachel. ''So I know you and Brittany are a thing now but I think it would be best if you did a song with me. Our voices work very well together.'' Sofia was flattered that Rachel Berry was asking to perform with her. ''That's true.'' replied Sofia. ''I'll do it.'' ''Okay so I have chosen a few songs I think would be best.'' said Rachel, eagerly. ''Okay, nice you can choose whichever I'm not particularly bothered.'' replied Sofia '' I have to go I'll be back in a sec. '' Sofia left to go to the toilet. She opened the door and there was Quinn and Santana, standing there. Sofia ignored them and washed her hands. ''Hey, Sofia. I don't think I have spoken to you since you got here.'' ''Yeah'' Sofia replied. '' What are you doing for Madonna week?'' she asked. '' Oh, me and Santana where thinking of doing a song with Brittany and reuniting the 'Unholy Trinity' . '' said Quinn. Sofia was shocked. Why didn't Brittany talk to her about this? Is Santana plotting against her? ''That sounds amazing, can't wait to see it.'' replied Sofia as she went to leave the room. '' I heard she's doing a song with that hobbit Rachel berry, she's probably doing it because she likes her. Apparently, she's a lesbian. '' whispered Santana. Sofia turned around, slowly. '' What did you just say?'' ''I'm just saying what we all already know.'' '' Which would be, what?'' Sofia questioned Santana, furiously.  ''That you're a lesbian!?'' Santana insisted. ''How many times do I have to make it obvious that I don't want people going around telling everyone who I like? You know, all this bitchyness from YOU is starting to look a lot like projection and denial. Maybe the reason your doing this is because you're jealous that I've stolen your 'bestfriend' or is she more than that? '' '' Everyone knows you're in love with her? '' replied Santana '' So what if I am '' Sofia stormed out the room and ran to find Brittany.  ''Britt, I need to talk to you.'' she grabbed Brittany by the arm and dragged her into the art room. '' So you know the way you said that when you hooked up with Santana she never talked about her feelings. Well, I wanna talk about my feelings, with you. '' '' We talk about our feelings all the time?'' questioned Brittany. '' ''No Britt, I want to talk about our feelings, like love. '' '' I love you Brittany, and I want to be with you. I want to talk about our feelings together. Do you feel the same? '' '' Well, Lord Tubbington loves you and if Lord Tubbington loves you I love you . '' replied Brittany, smiling. '' Is that a yes? '' asked Sofia. '' Yes '' responded Brittany.

Sofia left Brittany to practice for the cheerios and she returned to the choir room. Rachel was waiting for her. '' Omg, Rachel you would never guess what just happened. '' '' What? Tell me! '' '' I asked Brittany out, and she said yes! '' Rachel grabbed Sofia's hands and they jumped up and down with joy. '' Okay, let's do this song then. ''

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