The Glee Club

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It was the first day of glee rehearsal and Sofia was ready. She packed her bags and left for school. She was met by Rachel, who looked worried. ''Sofia, I know today is your first day but it's going to be awkward. We just heard that the unholy trinity has joined'' ''What the fuck is the unholy trinity?'' Sofia questioned. ''It's the main cheerios, Santana Lopez, Brittany S. Pierce and Quinn Fabray.'' Rachel replied. ''What, like mean girls?'' Sofia said. '' No, Sofia not like the hit movie and musical mean girls.'' '' Oh.'' Sofia responded. They walked into the choir room and Sofia met eyes with one of the unholy trinity, Santana Lopez. The raven haired girl was smirking at her, she looked mischievous. Sofia didn't know whether to feel flattered that she was even looking at her or scared. She took a seat, next to Rachel and Kurt. ''I hope everyone has welcomed our new member Sofia Marino'' Said Mr Schuester as he picked up a whiteboard marker and began writing 'Britney Spears' on the board.

''Today, we will be starting a new topic! Britney Spears!'' everyone cheered, everyone except Brittany. '' Oh no, not Brittany'' she said. Kurt replied, ''Why no Brittney, Brittany?'' '' Because my middle name is Susan which makes me Brittany S. Pierce, Brittany Spierce. I've been living in Brittney Spears shadow my whole life, and I know that I will never be as talented or famous as her.'' ''Well, if Brittany says so, we won't do it!'' Said Mr Schuester. ''Thanks, Britt'' Said Kurt, angrily. ''Leave Brittany alone.'' snapped Santana. Sofia noticed that the two had a weird connection, it seemed like they were close but, slightly too close. Was Santana Lopez gay?

After school Sofia had spent the rest of her day trying to figure out whether Santana was even slightly a Lesbian. It was no doubt that she was attracted to her but why would THE Santana Lopez even talk to someone like 'The New Girl' Sofia Marino?

In school the next day Sofia's thoughts were flooded with Santana. She had only saw her twice but that was enough to leave her obsessed. She didn't know whether to talk to Rachel and Kurt about it, after all they were friends and it might bring them closer by telling them that she had a crush. She messaged Kurt and Rachel and told them to meet her in the choir room. She told them that she might like Santana but she knows that she has no shot and she doesn't know what to do about it. ''Omg.'' said Rachel. ''What?'' replied Sofia ''I mean, I'm not judging. I do admit, Santana is pretty but I thought you would have liked someone like Quinn, instead. I think she's gorgeous.'' Ignoring what Rachel just said, Sofia looked to Kurt, seeking his approval. ''What do you think, Kurt?'' ''Well I think you should talk to her!'' ''No'' Sofia replied, ''She's a cheerleader and I am fat. We don't match.'' ''Well, it's worth a try!'' Said Kurt. '' And for the record, you're not fat.'' ''Sure'' replied Sofia.

It was after school glee rehearsal and Santana was sitting across the room from Sofia , she kept looking at her, subtly. Maybe it was because Sofia was staring at her. She was so pretty. ''Mr Schuester, I have been practicing a song that I would like to perform to the class.'' said Rachel. ''Not right now.'' replied Mr Schue. '' I want to introduce a new idea, I can't have the same thing happening every lesson!'' He began to write 'Duets' on the whiteboard. ''Because of the no Britney Spears I have decided it would be good for us to do duets!'' ''I pick Finn!'' shouted Rachel, immediately. ''No, that would be too easy.'' '' I will put all of your names in a hat and pick them out at random, winner gets a free dinner at breadstix! '' The class cheered. ''Quinn and ... Sam'', '' Tina and... Mike'', ''Santana and ... Sofia'' Kurt and Rachel both looked at Sofia in support. This was her time to finally see who Santana Lopez really was. '' So, I guess we are going to have to practice somewhere...'' said Sofia to the raven haired girl. ''Ugh, I guess we could do it at my place.'' she replied. Sofia was secretly screaming with joy.

At Santana's house Sofia was nervous. It was obvious Santana didn't like her and she hated it. ''Okay, so I've picked out a few songs what do you think'' Santana said. ''These are okay, but if we really want to win that dinner to breadstix we better try and sell that we have a connection or something at least.'' said Sofia, hoping Santana didn't take it the wrong way. ''Ugh, fine.'' she said. They began singing together, pretending they had a connection. Santana was staring Sofia in the eyes and she could tell she was blushing. After the song, Santana asked Sofia a question. ''So, how come you moved here?'' Sofia gulped. Would she think different of me if I tell her? She thought. '' Uhh.. I kind of got bullied for being gay.'' Santana stopped, it looked as though she was thinking.. ''Oh..'' She replied. '' So like, how did you know you were gay?'' Okay, why would she be asking that if she wasn't slightly gay herself, Sofia thought. ''Well, it kinda happened gradually. I just started to realise I didn't like men and I liked women. I felt no attraction towards men.'' Santana didn't reply, she just stood there blankly. ''Okay, umm it's kinda late so you should probably go.'' She said. '' Oh'' replied Sofia. ''Sorry'' ''No it's okay I just need to think, see you tomorrow?'' ''See you tomorrow, Santana.'' said Sofia as she shut the door and left. She didn't know whether that went well.  Santana could be in there right now telling all her friends.. Well, she would have to find out tommorow.

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