The Party

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It was a new week at McKinley high, the only difference being the new relationship between Santana and Sofia. Since she had basically already been outed, Santana was ready to at least tell the glee club.

When everyone was seated, she stood up. They all thought she was about to start ranting about something but, no. It was different. ''Okay everyone, I have an announcement to make.'' This sheer sentence peaked everyone's interest. ''Since Finn decided to say it in front of everyone in the hallway, I may as well say it.'' Sofia smiled at Santana, proudly. ''I am.. in a relationship with Sofia.'' Kurt and Rachel looked at each other, shocked. Brittany seemed happy but was too busy flirting with Sam. Sofia liked the thought of Brittany and Sam, they fit well together.

''No, this doesn't mean I will be cutting my hair and going full butch. It just means I like Sofia, if you have anything to say about it, you can say it to my face.'' Santana continued, she looked around the room for anyone who would dare to challenge her, Lima Heights style. ''I'm so happy for you Santana, we all are. I think it is great that you have found someone that loves you as much as I love Finn.'' Rachel looked at Finn lovingly as they kissed, making everyone recoil.

''In celebration of love, party at my house tonight! My dad's are out of town so we can party all night!'' Rachel sat down, slightly cringing at what she had just said. ''I'm in.'' replied Sofia. ''Me too.'' added Brittany. ''I'm only going if there's alcohol. I can't think of anything worse than a sober Rachel Berry party.'' Santana interrupted. Everyone turned to look at Puck. ''I'll be there at 9.'' he said. Everyone cheered with joy.

Sofia had arrived at the party with Santana. She was wearing jeans and a t-shirt that said 'I <3 parties'. She had stolen it from Brittany when they were together. She won't mind, Sofia thought. After all, they were still best friends. On top of the t-shirt was a leather jacket. She was cool like that, besides her being 5'3. Santana, standing next to her was wearing massive heels, as always. A crop top and jeans. She slayed.

They knocked on the door and Rachel answered. ''Sofia!'' she paused, ''Santana! You guys look great. Come in!'' Sofia and Santana entered the house, Sofia had been there before so she wasn't surprised by the framed painting of Barbara Streisand staring at you as soon as you walked through the door. Rachel directed them downstairs to her basement. This is where the party was. There was a stage and microphone built in to the floor. Again, no one was surprised. It was Rachel Berry, after all. 

Sam and Brittany were in the corner, talking and getting a little too close... Sofia was kind of jealous but she was the one that broke up with her so she couldn't be mad. It seems as though they were late, as everyone was already drunk. Tina and Mercedes were sitting on the couch, laughing at literally everything, I guess alcohol has different effects on everyone. Quinn and Lauren were screaming at Puck. ''I can't believe what you did to my body, I used to have abs!'' Rachel downed another 2 shots. ''It tastes like pink, IT TASTES LIKE PINK. PIIIINKKKKK!!!!''. Sofia had left Santana by herself for 10 minutes and found her crying in the corner. ''Are you okay?'' ''You should be with Brittany, she's hotter than me and she can dance.'' ''Santana, it's okay. I love you.'' Santana pulled Sofia into a messy kiss. ''How much did you drink?'' Sofia asked but was quickly interrupted by Rachel. ''Let's play spin the bottle! Who wants to play spin the bottle!'' Everyone cheered and got into a circle.

Brittany spun the bottle and it landed on Sam, what a surprise. They shared a passionate kiss. Rachel spun it shortly after, it landed on Sofia. As she was sober, this was kind of weird. She looked at Rachel for a moment but she was already leaning in. She kissed her and it lasted for more than 10 seconds. Santana pulled them apart and shouted ''You know what this is not? Hey honeys? You know what this isn't? It's not a big red commercial. No me gusta!'' Rachel got up, stumbling and sang a duet of 'Don't you want me' with Blaine. 

Santana grabbed Sofia and dragged her into a spare bedroom nearby. ''What the fuck was that?'' she said, crossing her arms looking down at the brunette. ''It's spin the bottle, what did you want me to do?'' ''Your mine, and only mine.'' ''I know, Santana. It's Rachel! We're just friends. I would never even-'' She was cut off by Santana pushing her onto the bed, she started making out with her aggressively as Rachel sung another song with Blaine. 

The next day, the whole glee club had the worst hangover of their lives. Artie had brought in Bloody Mary's and he convinced everyone to drink it. They were all wearing sunglasses, because the luminescent lighting of the school was too much for them to handle. Artie started singing 'Blame it on the alcohol' and everyone joined in.

After they had finished, they went to the choir room. Quinn sat down and motioned Sofia to sit next to her which was unusual. Sofia didn't question it so she did. Santana was in the toilet, probably throwing up so she wasn't there. ''Soooo, I dont know how to tell you this, or why I'm telling you this but I walked in on you and Santana last night.'' Sofia was embarrassed, to say the least. ''Quinn, I'm actually so sorry omg I can't believe that happened.'' Quinn smiled, ''It's okay, nothing I haven't seen before.'' Sofia wondered what that meant. ''You've... hooked up with Santana?'' ''Noooo, no.'' Sofia was confused. ''You don't remember?'' Quinn asked. ''Remember what?'' Sofia replied. She started to worry. ''You kissed me last night. I think you had too much to drink or something.'' ''I didn't drink last night? All I had was coke.'' Sofia didn't drink. She was too scared it would make her fat or she would get addicted or something. ''When was this, Quinn? What did I say? Did I say anything?'' Quinn smiled at Sofia, again. ''Shh, it's okay I won't tell anyone.'' Santana had came back from the toilet so Sofia got up to sit with her. ''Are you okay?'' she asked. ''What did Artie put in that!?'' ''I don't know probably drugs or something. You never know with him.'' 

As they were getting ready for regionals. They were rehearsing songs. It was tomorrow and everyone was pretty nervous. Hopefully no one screws up!

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