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Today was a big day for Sofia. It was regionals. She had never performed at something like this before, the only thing she ever did was become villager 42 in her school play and yodel for her schools talent show. This was something big, something she could actually remember and cherish.

Everyone was booked into a hotel as the venue was in a different state. The rooms were separated via gender. Girls in one room, boys in the other. Mr Schue entered their rooms and told them to come outside, it was time for regionals to begin.

The glee club found their seats and watched as the other teams performed. They were good but the New Directions were better. They made their way to the green room as Mr Schue gave them a pep talk. ''Okay guys, we've got this. It doesn't matter if we lose, it's about the journey we went on to get here.'' Santana rolled her eyes as she had heard it all before. Everyone put their hands into a circle. ''1,2,3 AMAZING!'' The lights flashed, it was show time.

They were singing original songs and Sofia was brought to tears by Rachel's performance of 'Get it Right'. They followed Rachel by singing 'Loser Like Me'. It was the most fun Sofia had ever had, singing with her friends in front of an audience. It was thrilling. Santana kept looking at Sofia during the dance and it was making her feel guilty. She couldn't think about what Quinn said, not now.

All teams lined up and waited for the judges to announce the winner. There were only 2 places left, 2nd and 1st. ''And in first place, going to nationals in New York.... the New Directions!!'' Confetti fell from the ceiling as Santana ran towards Sofia and pulled her into a tight hug. ''We did it!'' Sofia said, smiling at her. ''Yes we did!'' Santana replied, kissing Sofia on the cheek. Everyone was celebrating, they couldn't believe they were going to New York. Sofia was ecstatic, she loved New York and had ALWAYS wanted to go.

The New Directions returned to their rooms and expressed how happy they were. They celebrated even more by jumping on the beds, this slowly turned into a pillow fight until it was stopped by Santana saying that she had snuck in some vodka. Everyone looked at each other and gave in, they were too happy to deny it. Santana was pouring some into cups for everyone to take until Sofia snatched the bottle out of her hand and started downing it. ''Woah, calm down Sofia.'' Santana took it back. ''What? We're going to New York! Why not celebrate?'' Sofia put on some music and began dancing like a crazy person. With them all being drunk, they started to fall asleep. Mercedes was on the bed, Tina was on the floor. Santana was on the floor, lying on top of Brittany and Rachel and Quinn were in one of the beds together.

''Sofia!?'' Sofia woke up, almost drowning after having water poured onto her face by Quinn. ''Where am I?'' She looked around, she was in the bathroom. ''What time is it? How did I get here?'' she asked. ''It's 4:38 AM. I had just came in to go the toilet and saw you lying on the floor. I wasn't sure if you were dead.'' replied Quinn. Sofia burst into tears, she starting going off about how she shouldn't have drank that much and how it is going to make her fat. ''Hey, hey. You're not fat and some vodka isn't going to change that.'' Quinn comforted Sofia but she kept crying, manically. ''What if I did something bad??? Like what if Santana breaks up with me or-'' ''SOFIA! It's going to be okay!'' Quinn was trying her best to calm her down, nothing was working. ''But what if it's not?'' Sofia stopped crying for a second, she looked Quinn in the eyes. She was star struck, stuck in a trance from looking into her green eyes. Quinn leaned in and kissed Sofia, she thought it was appropriate timing and it would help Sofia to stay calm. Sofia kisses her back and it ends up becoming a make out sesh in a hotel bathroom. Rachel opens the door, squinting her eyes from the bright light. She saw Sofia and Quinn. ''Oh.'' She shut the door and went back into the room.

Sofia looks at Quinn in utter shock and starts becoming even more manic. ''Oh my god, oh my god. She just saw that. She just saw that. I'm dead. I'm actually dead. Santana's never going to talk to me ever again. Oh my god I can't believe this.'' What was once drops of tears coming from her eyes was now streams of tears she couldn't stop. Quinn placed her hands beside Sofia's head. ''Look at me. It's okay. It will be okay, trust me.'' In the blink of an eye, Sofia goes in to kiss Quinn again. Quinn doesn't back away but says she has an idea.

They signal to Rachel to come back into the bathroom. ''Rachel, what you just saw was a mistake. You can't tell anyone. Do you hear me?'' Quinn whispers to Rachel. Making sure none of the other girls hear her. It takes some convincing but Rachel finally agrees. ''Fine. But what you're doing is wrong.'' Sofia looks at her as if to say ''Really????''.

The next day, they return to Ohio and McKinley. They head to the choir room to place their trophy in the case. ''This is what first place looks like, baby!!!'' Sofia was standing next to Santana, they were smiling at each other, looking at the 4 foot trophy that had just been added to the collection.

''Okay! After that fantastic performance, I think it's time to announce who I have chosen to solo for nationals at New York!'' Deep down, everyone wanted it to be them but they all knew it would be Rachel. ''After some consideration, I have chosen... Sofia! Sofia, you were great at regionals. You're a great asset to the glee club and I think you have it in you to solo.'' Sofia couldn't believe it, she turned to Santana. ''Am I dreaming?'' Santana laughed, hugging Sofia, proudly. Rachel was angry, furious even.

At lunch, Rachel approaches Sofia and asks if she can talk to her. ''Oh god.'' Sofia said. ''Listen, I know about you and Quinn. I saw what you did, remember? Give me the solo. Say you can't do it. Everyone knows it should be me on that stage! Give me what is rightfully mine Sofia!'' Shit, she thought.

In glee practice after school, Sofia announces that she can't do the solo and that she wants it to be Rachel. Mr Schue refuses. He is set on giving Sofia the solo and knows that Rachel had already gotten hundreds. Fucccckkkkkk.... Things where about to take a turn for the worst.

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