Best Friends

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Sofia had gotten used to McKinley now, she had been there for a week. Her closest friends were Rachel and Kurt. Other than that, I guess she was friends with the glee club. It was the day that her and Santana needed to sing their duet. They listened to Sam and Quinn and Tina and Mike and now it was their time. Sofia was nervous. They both got up. ''We are going to win this, mark my words.'' said Santana, Sofia laughed. ''Cuz we's be going, to breadstix.'' she continued. They sung 'Don't go breaking my heart' by Elton John and Kiki Dee, it was upbeat but still romantic. It was going well, it felt like there was tension between the two but it was difficult to tell. After all, Santana hadn't spoken to Sofia after yesterday. Sofia didn't know whether she hated her or not. When the song had finished, Brittany was their biggest supporter. The whole room cheered but Rachel seemed jealous. ''I loved that, Sofia.'' said Brittany. ''You are totally a unicorn, I haven't seen you before did you like come from the sky or something?'' ''She moved here, Brit.'' said Santana, not amused. ''Oh, why did you move?'' Sofia looked at Santana and then at Brittany. ''Uhhhh..'' The bell rang for lunch. ''Oh! there's the bell! Gotta Go!'' said Sofia, as she left.

At lunch Sofia sat with Rachel and Kurt, as always. Brittany was on a table with the cheerios and kept waving at her. Santana sat beside Brittany and looked like she wanted to kill someone. As Sofia was at her locker, looking in the mirror she saw Brittany standing behind her. ''Hi, so I was wondering, since I think you're a unicorn and.. I love unicorns you would want to come to my house after school. I'd like to talk to you about a few things.'' Sofia was happy that she was fitting in but was slightly worried. She didn't know what to expect. ''Sure, Brittany! Thanks!'' It was Brittany after all, she's harmless. Isn't she?

Sofia knocked on Brittany's door and she answered. ''Hi! Come in, follow me.'' Sofia followed Brittany up the stairs into her bedroom. She saw a table, two chairs and fondue in the middle. There was a camera set up and a weird looking cat on the bed. ''That is Lord Tubbington, he's kind of judgy so don't feel bad if he doesn't like you.'' said Brittany. ''Okay...'' replied Sofia. She sat down as Brittany turned on the camera. ''On this episode of 'Fondue for Two' we have a very special guest! The new girl, Sofia Marino!'' ''Sofia moved here for unknown reasons but that's what we are here to get into.'' ''So, Sofia. Why did you move here?'' asked Brittany. ''Well, I moved here because.. my dad got a job offer and he took it so, now I'm here!'' ''Wow, I thought it would be more interesting but, moving on.'' ''An anonymous user has asked, 'Sofia, what do you think about McKinley High?' '' ''I think McKinley is quite good, my interactions have been nice so far and I have only been slushied once.'' ''That's great'' replied Brittany. ''Okay that's it for today, comment if you would like to see Sofia back on Fondue for Two for MORE!'' said Brittany, as she turned the camera off. ''Soooo...... what now?'' said Sofia. ''I think we should make out'' Said Brittany. ''ummmmmm'' replied Sofia.

It was her second week of McKinley and Sofia had a new best friend, Brittany S. Pierce. Brittany and Sofia were a good match. They were both different in their own ways and Sofia admired Brittany for her ability to love everything and everyone. They were spending a lot of time together and Sofia was enjoying it. It was glee practice and they sat down next to each other in the choir room. Santana, who usually sits with Brittany, sat away from her. It was obvious she was bothered by something. When glee club had finished, Sofia got up and talked to Santana, whilst she was at her locker. '' Hi, so.. I know we aren't really, friends but we did that duet together and I figured that's something so. I want to talk to you.'' ''And why would I want to talk to you?'' said Santana, '' To be honest I don't really know but you just seem sad or angry or something. I noticed you weren't sitting with Brittany. Is it because we are friends?'' asked Sofia. ''Why did you lie?'' replied Santana ''What?'' ''Why did you lie, I saw Brittany's episode with you. 'Your dad got a job here?' Why didn't you tell the truth?'' asked Santana. ''I don't know, I'm just not ready to announce my sexuality to thousands of people on the internet.'' replied Sofia, walking away.

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