Chapter Four

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Jeremy suddenly woke up in a small, dirty room and he was strapped tightly to a hospital bed.

"Hello!? Get me out! Somebody!" He quickly began to panic and started thrashing, hoping that somehow he would get free.

"Where am I?!" He screeched until his vocal cords ached,"Somebody answer!" and someone did.

A door in the corner of the room opened abruptly and absolute horror entered.

A tall man entered the room, or at least he use to be a man. A gas mask was stitched to his, its, face and the tubes that came from the mask, came behind it and attached to its back. A thick, tar like substance leaked from these tubes and glistened against its grayish green, scaly skin.

Jeremy has never screamed so loud in his life.

It began walking toward him, slow steps along with labored, wet breathing.

"Sing my birdy..." it gurgled as it faced him.

Jeremy has never been so absolutely petrified in his entire life. He continued to scream until the thing stabbed him with one of its razor sharp nails, right in his side.

"Sing my birdy...!" Its wet gurgle turned into a screeched as it ripped its nail out and wiped his blood on itself. Jeremy began belting out 'Ode to Joy' as calmly as he could. Then he noticed his blood get absorbed by the creatures skin. His beautiful melody turned into a bloodcurdling scream again.

BAM! One hit to the back of the head finally made him shut his trap.

The creature gurgled and walked over to a stool with surgical equipment and picked up a bloody scalpel. Its eyes filled with delight as it brought the scalpel to Jeremy's mouth.

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