Chapter Five

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It had been two weeks and there was absolutely no sign of Jeremy.

"You said you'd take him out of this industry! Not existence!" Katherine was in Mr.Flitzovic's office discussing why Jeremy had not yet returned.

"Well, I have no control over what they do!"

"They!? spill it Leo, who the hell did you send to kidnap him?!" He rose from his chair and fixed his collar. "They're a group of individuals called 'Plan E'. They're suppose to do anyone's dirty work fro them, free of charge of course." "Plan E?! What The-" Then there was a sudden knock at the door,"Come in."

A man with a leather trench coat and low hat entered the room, "Sorry I'm late Mister F. I had another job to do."

"Uh, who are you?" Mr.Flitzovic asked raising his eyebrows at the strange man.

He dug through his pockets and handed him a cream color card, "My card, sir."

What the card said made Mr.Flitzovic's blood turn to ice.

Logan Jaime Howlett 02051 Plan E agent 008

"But... If you're from Plan E... What in God's name happened to Jeremy?!"


His eyes were a bright yellow and his blood no longer ran red. His whole scalp was replaced by shark skin. His teeth where removed and replaced with that of a jaguar's. Jeremy Sterling had been stitched, cut up, tampered with, and stripped of anything that made him appear human.

How long has it been? Weeks? Months? Years?! He didnt know. He didn't care. He was hungry. That's all that mattered to him right now.

The door opened again and the creature (he'd been referring to it as that) came in the room with a dirty tin bucket.

"Food?!" Jeremt's eyes lite up like a rocket. "Didja bring food?!" The creature chuckled wetly and released Jeremy from his hospital bed. He fell on his knee's and looked up at the creature,"Food?!"

"Yes... my birdy.." It dumped out the contents of the bucket. Eyes, livers, arms, fingers, and tongues, all human parts of course. All a feast in Jeremy's eyes.

He lunged at it like an animal that hadn't eaten in days. Scarfing down gelatin like eyes and sucking the blood from the livers and other organs. Thats all he ever had to drink nowadays.

When he was finished, he licked up all the liquid remains or little pieces he might've missed off the floor.

"Gooooooodddddd..." The creature coughed and whacked him in the back of the head, knocking him out for the seventeenth time that week.

"Gooooooddddd..." It picked him up and threw him on the bed like a rag doll, grabbing a scalpel. "No... singing for... yoou... birdy.." It slashed his neck open, miraculously missing anything important and made its way to his vocal cords.



And as it held the squishy, fleshy cords...


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