Chapter 2

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Those boys look awfully familiar.

Ohhhh duhhhh Ella. That's One Direction.

Wait did I just say One Direction? Oh my gosh. The One Direction it standing in my living room.

Wait I am also being kidnapped.

"Help!" I try to yell, but it ends up coming out, "gelp"

I kick the man, this time aiming for his head. And I connect. He drops me and I hit the floor with a loud thud.

One of the boys I think it was Harry (I couldn't tell because I hit my head and I was seeing stars) grabbed the gun from the man and set it on a table far away from him.

The other boys run over to me.

"Is that your sister? She's hot." One says.

"Dude she is only fifteen years old." Another exclaims.

"Oh." The first one says.

"Ella can you hear me?" The second one asks.

"Loud and c-clear." I stammer.

"Can you see me?" He asks next.

"I s-see outlines. I c-can't seem to look at anything directly." I stutter a few times.

Someone gently pushes my eyelids shut and holds them there for a minute then lets them go. I feel the tape being riped off of my hands and feet. I open my eyes and find that I am completely free and that I can see.

I look around and see that there are police every where and that the man who tried to take me is gone. I see all five boys from One Direction sitting around me.

I turn to Liam and ask, " How did you know my name and why did he say that I am your sister?"

Liam sighs.

"I look a lot different then I did back then. Uhhh I came here because I heard about mom. My dad no longer has to take care of me because I am nineteen now. I am your brother Ella." He states.

I look him up and down and realize how much he looks like mom.

"It is you." I gasp.

"It's me Ella. I'm back." He holds out his arms.

I dive into a hug. I finally let out the tears I had held earlier.

"Shhhhh it's okay. I'm here now. I won't leave you again. My father can't take me away from you." He coos in my ear.

"I missed you so much. It's been so hard, being here on my own while mom was in the hospital." I whisper.

"Shes out?" He asks.

"No she uhh passed away today. The doctors said that there was nothing they could do." I try to hold back the tears that came to my eyes.

His eyes soften. I see that it hit him hard. He breaths in deeply then lets out a sigh.

"Okay." He nods his head slowly.

Suddenly the phone rings.

"I'll get it." I say. I walk over to the phone and answer it.


"Is this the home where Liam Payne is?" The speaker on the other side says.

"Yes. Why do you need to talk to him?" I ask.

"I am his manager." The woman states.

"Liam someone is on the phone for you." I yell so he can hear me.

"Coming." He yells back.

He takes the phone from my hand and whispers, "Go mess around with the boys."

"Okay." I whisper back.

I walk back in to the living room and see all the boys siting on the floor.

"Hi guys." I say quietly.

"Hi Ella." They say all together.

"Can I join you?" I ask.

"Sure." Harry says. He pat the spot next to him in between him and Zayn.

I sit down criss cross.

"So can we learn more about you Ella?" Niall asks.

"Sure. Ask me anything you want to know." I answer.

"Uhhhh what is your favourite color?" Zayn asks.

"My favorite color is scarlet." I answer.

"What is your favorite song by us?" Harry asks.

"Rock me." I state.

"How old are you?" Niall asks.

"I am fifteen years old. I turn sixteen this year." I say.

"When is your birthday?" Louis asks.

"It is October the fourteenth." I answer.

"Do you like to be tickled?" Harry asks.

Before I can answer he starts tickling me.

"S-stop!" I stammer.

"Never!" He says.

Soon all the other boys start tickling me too.

"What are you all doing to my little sister?" Liam asks as he walks into the room from his phone call.

At this point I am laughing so hard tears are streaming down my face and no sound is coming out of my mouth. They still don't stop.

"Help!" I squeak.

"Liam to the rescue!" Liam yells. He runs over and picks me up carrying me away from the rest of the boys.

"You're my hero." I gasp and everyone bursts into laughter again.

After all the laughter dies out we all collapse on the giant couch.

"I'm hungry." Niall wines.

"I am too." I agree. "I haven't eaten since this morning."

"Then let us eat! To the car!" Niall yells running out of the room.

I run after him. I jump into the back seat beside him. Soon all the other boys pile into the car.

Louis drives very slowly just to get on our nerves. My stomach lets out a growl.

"Drive Louis before my little sister dies of starvation!" Liam exclaims.

"Fine." He hits the gas and the car jolts foreword.

* * *

"That was good." I sigh as I get into the back seat.

"Yeah it was." Niall agrees.

I yawn slightly. I can't keep my eyes open any longer. They slide closed as I fall asleep.

* * *

"She fell asleep with her head on my shoulder." Niall whispers.

"I'll carry her in and put her to bed." Liam whispers.

I feel Liam slowly lift me up. I rest my head against his chest, stirring slightly.

"Shhhh go back to sleep Ella." He coos in my ear.

I feel him set me down in my bed and pull the blankets over me.

He plants a light kiss on my cheek, and brushes the hair out of my face.

"Sleep tight, Ella." He whispers in my ear.

I hear him leave and close the door behind him. Then I drift back to sleep.

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