Chapter 12

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Ella's P.O.V.

Someone's arms wrap around me. I open my eyes and find myself in Harry's arms.

"H-Harry!" I exclaim through my sobs.

"I'm here." He whispers. "They can't hurt you any more."

I bury my face in his shirt, I'm still scared out of my mind. This is all to much for me to take.

We stay like that for a while until an officer comes over.

"Sir I need you to set down the girl and put your hands where we can see them." He says.

Harry's head shoots up.

"Why?" He asks.

"Those two men are saying that you helped kiddnap this girl is that true?" The officer asks.

I look over and see a smug look on John's face.

"No. I would never take her!" Harry exclaims. "You can ask her, herself."

The officer turns to me.

"Did he help the?" He ask sturnly as if daring me to lie to him.

"No. Harry is in a band with my brother. I trust him with my life!" I exclaim.

The officer nods his head and walks away. The smug look on John's face falls. The other boys race over to me and Harry.

"Ella!" Liam says. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine exept for the giant gash in my leg." I answer.

I shakly touch my leg, but pull back wincing in pain.

"Ow." I mumble.

"Look's like it's deep." Niall says looking at my leg.

"So that's why there was a trail of blood out of the flat." Louis concluds.

"Yeah." I say shakly. "It's bleed a lot."

"What happened?" Zayn asks.

"That man took the frame with the picture of Harry and he threw it to the ground. The glass shattered every where. John took a big piece and cut my leg with it."  I sigh.

Harry rubs my back soothingly.

"Come on Ella we need to get your leg looked at." Liam says.

I nod my head. Harry helps me stand and then I put my arm around his shoulders, his arm around my waist. I lean on him as we walk slowly to Liam's car.

Suddeny I hear yelling. I look over and see John running toward us with a knife in hand and something else. I also see an officer laying on the ground.

He reaches us and plunges the knife into my leg, right into my gash making it bleed again.

 I let out a mufuled scream in pain.

Harry slowly starts to lower me to the ground, but when I am almost there he suddenly drops me. I look up and see John holding a Tazer to Harry's chest. After a minute John pulls it away and Harry falls to the ground as two police men drag him away laughing.

"Harry?" I ask, slowly crawling over to his crumpled body.

He doesn't answer me.

"Harry?" I ask more forcefully, shaking his shoulder.

He still doesn't answer me.

I lay my head on his chest, listening for the fimilular heart beat that has lulled me to sleep and calmed me.

I don't hear a thing.

"No, no, no. This can't be happening." I whisper.

I start CPR, pounding his chest with my hands. I blow air into his lunges.

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