Chapter 3

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"Ella time to get up. You have to go to practice." My mother yells at me from the kitchen.

"Do I have to go to piano practice?" I ask through my pillow.

"Yes you have to go." She answers coming into the room.

"But it's so early. This is such an ungodly hour." I complain.

"Honey it's only nine O'clock. You have to get up." She says as she pulls the blankets off of me.

She opens the curtains that cover the window letting in the horrid sunlight.

"I'm melting!" I yell covering my eyes with my hands.

"Get out of bed or no breakfast." My mom threatens.

"Fine." I growl.

I roll out of bed and run to the bathroom.

After I am done in there I walk down the hall heading to the kitchen.  I stop by the picture of me, mom and Liam from when we were a lot younger. I finger the picture. I miss him so much.

"You okay?" My mom asks coming up behind me.

She asks me the same question every day when I stop to look at the picture.

"Yeah. I just miss him." I answer. I turn and head to the kitchen.

I grab some breakfast and sit down.

"Hurry you have to go to piano." My mom says getting ready herself.

                                                   *  *  *

"Ella." Liam whispers in my ear. "Time to get up love."

"What time is it?" I mumble.

"It's one O'clock. We were all up way late last night so I let you sleep." He says in a normal tone.

"Oh alright I'll get out of bed." I sigh.

"You're like Niall you love to sleep." Liam chuckles.

"I was dreaming about Mom." I say.

"Oh sorry I woke you." Liam's eyes soften at the mention of our mother.

I walk out into the hall. I stop at the picture for a different reason. This time I look at my mother. She looked so happy then. So cancer free.

"I miss her too." Liam says pulling me into a hug from behind.

I wrap my arms around his neck. He turns and I jump on his back. He gives me a piggy back ride to the kitchen.

I see all the boys sitting around the table drinking tea.

"Why hello sleeping beauty. Good to see that you finally woke up. We thought that you would sleep forever." Harry says.

"Harry if you are trying to flirt with me let me remind you that I am a fifteen year old." I say as I pour myself a cup of tea.

"Yeah Harry quit trying to flirt with Liam's little sister. Did you forget that you love me?" Louis asks.

Harry turns bright red.

I laugh at his face.

"Don't worry Harry I still love you as a friend." I say as I kiss his cheek and sit down next to him.

"Ohhh you have competition Louis." Zayn laughs.

"Ohhhh he is mine girl." Louis says in his best girl voice.

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