Chapter 8

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Ella’s P.O.V.

I wake up and notice that Harry doesn’t lay beside me.

“Harry?” I whisper looking around the room.

No one answers.

“Harry where are you?” I say this time louder.

I slide off the cot they call a bed and stand up.

“Harry where are you? This isn’t funny.”  I say.

I turn around in a circle scanning the room. Suddenly I hear a lock click. I whip around as the door opens. What I see makes my heart break. Harry stumbles into the room, then trips and falls.

“Harry are you okay?!” I exclaim running to his side.

“Uhhhh no.” He groans.

“What’s wrong? What did they do?” I ask gently setting his head in my lap.

“I took it for you. I took it all.” He moans.

“You didn’t have to.” I whisper. I carefully wipe away the blood that runs out of his nose.

“I don’t want you to get hurt. I can stand more then you can.” He whispers reaching up and cupping my cheek.

“Harry if it means that you get hurt then I don’t want you to.” I whisper gently rubbing his cheek with my thumb.

“I couldn’t live with myself if I just let you get hurt with me knowing that there was something I could do.” He says.

“All you have to do is be there for me.” I say leaning into his hand. “Yesterday I dreamt about you while I was passed out. That’s why I was so out of it. At least more then I usually am. The dream scared me. I-I was afraid of what would happen to you.”

“I’ll be alright, always will be. We will leave here soon, I think. I heard Liam’s dad talking about how he got the money from Liam today. So we should go back home soon.” Harry says.

“I miss the boys,” I sigh, “And your soft, warm bed.” I add.

“I miss them too.” He smiles.  “What do you want to do when we get home?” He asks now.

“I think that we should all go out and do something. Maybe have a little fun.” I say.

“Yeah. Maybe we could just go out, you and me?” He offers.

“We’ll see what Liam says.” I laugh.

“I don’t care what he thinks.” Harry says.

I smile at him.

“Harry I look forward to that.” I say.  

                                                       * * *

“So they just drop us off in the middle of nowhere and we just hope that someone will give us a ride or that we can walk all the way back to London.” I sigh.

“It’s alright Ella we can just walk. I don’t think that anyone is going to be driving down the road at three a.m.” Harry says.

He takes my hand and leads me down the side of the road. 

Hours later the sun starts to rise and my feet ache and my eyes just won’t stay open any longer. Harry stops to look at a sign and I lay down in the soft grass by the road.

“We’re about three miles out of a town.” He says walking over.

“I can’t walk any more. I need some sleep.” I moan curling into a ball.

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