Chapter 13

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When I see Harry I know my eyes go wide.

"Y-you're not dead." I stammer.

I try to sit up but I find myself strapped to the bed.

"Why would I be dead?" Harry asks. He tries to walk over to me, but a buff man holds him back.

"You died. John tazed you." I say.

"You were dreaming Ella." Harry says.

I try to sit up again but still straps restrain me.

"Lay down!" John snaps.

Darn. I forget he was in here.

"Go away John or just let us go." I sigh.

"Shut up." He slaps my cheek.

"HEY!" Harry yells. "DON'T YOU HIT HER."


He storms over to Harry.

Harry glares down at John.

"She has done nothing to you and yet you hit her. I can't believe that she ever called you a friend, you don't deserve that title. Just let her go. If you want you can keep me. I-" Harry tries to go on, but John punches him in the stomach.

"STOP!" I exclaim. "Just please stop all this John. I love Harry not you, just get over it. Please. I am begging you, let us go."

John turns back to me, his eyes filled with anger.

"You will do as I say. Now I see that the only way to hurt you is through Harry." He sneers.

"NO! Please don't hurt him." I yell.

The buff man holds Harry's arms behind his back. John pulls back and seconds later Harry had pulled himself out of the man's grip. Harry punches John and he falls to the floor hitting his head and collapsing unconscious.

"Harry can help me get untied?" I ask.

Before he unties me he some how caught the buff me off guard and pushed him out of the room. Harry locks the door and turns back around.

He rushes over and quickly unties all the straps that held me to the bed.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, I should be. I dreamt that you died. John had killed you." I whisper.

"I'm here, don't worry. I always will be." He says.

He wraps his arms around me and pulls me close.

"I'm so sorry I left you in that room all alone. I should have come in and talked to you." He whispers.

"It's okay. I'm fine except for my leg. I have one question though. What happened?" I ask.

"I came out of the flat because I wanted to save you before you disappeared, but I only got myself into the mess." He sighs.

I jump when I hear John moan from the floor.

"It's okay. I won't let him hurt you Ella." Harry says.

I nod.

"How are we going to get out of this? John is not going to let us go." I ask.

"I don't know." Harry says shaking his head.

We were so caught up in out conversation that we didn't notice that John had woken up.

"Were did John go?" I breath, seeing that he wasn't laying on the floor.

Before Harry can answer, arms wrap around my neck pulling me into a choke hold. I claw at John's arms as he squeezes, cuttingoff my air.

Harry stands up slowly, eyeing John.

"Don't move or all I have to do is push and her neck is broken and she is dead." John threatens.

I whimper slightly as my lunges start to scream for air. Black spots start to appear in my vision. I drop my arms.

"Let go of her. She can't breath." Harry says worry evident in his voice.

John says something but I pass out before the words were processed.

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