Chapter 15

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4 years later.

"Ella are you coming?" Harry yells.

"Yeah I'll be out in a minute." I answer.

Here I am four years after my mom passed away, going to visit her grave for the first time. I'm a horrible daughter, I know.

I step out of the hotel bathroom.

"Liam please. I already bought it and everything." Harry begs into the phone. "Oh thank you so much!" He exclaims nearly jumping up and down.

He hanges up the phone and turns to me.

"You look beautiful." He says kissing my cheek.

We've been together for all these years and he still never fails to give my butterflies. Thanks to Harry and the boys, I have now seen the world.

Harry takes my hand and leads me outside to the car.

I cradle a bundle of flowers in my arms. They're for my mom.

The whole car ride I keept going over memories from that day to now. The day my mom died, the day I was almost kidnaped, the day my brother came back, the day I met the love of my life.

"Hey are you okay?" Harry asks.

"Yeah I'm fine. It's just been so long since this all started." I sigh.

He smiles at me and takes my hand.

"It's not ending anytime soon." He says.

The car stops and I step out of the car. I hate cemitares, to many dead people.

I walk slowly with Harry through the graves. I feel like a ghost walking through the mist.

Finally I stop at my mother's grave. I let go of Harry's hand and kneel down.

"Hello Mom." I say softly. "I'm so sorry I hadn't come sooner. So much has happened. I've fallen in love with Harry. He treets me well and loves me back. John died. I turned twenty last month. Of corse you propably already know that because you are watching over me."

I laugh a little.

"You should have seen what Louis did the other day! He put on a tariara and walked around like a princess all day. I think Zayn dared him to do it."

Suddenly wind blows through the trees and I can hear a tinkleing like laughter.

"I'm glad I got to talk to you. It makes me feel like I am fifteen again, but that was five years ago. Thanks for listening Mom. Only you know where my life is going. Ahonestly for the past few years I have only planned to this point. At lest I finished my education, thanks to Liam for home schooling me." I sigh.

"Goodbye Mom. Love you." I whisper, tears slowly running down my face as I set the bundle of flowers in the grass. "Please show me where my life is going."

I stand up and turn around to find Harry down on one knee, smiling like a mad man.

"Ella will you marry me?" He asks opening a small box with a simple yet beautiful ring.

The tears that were already running down my face become heavier.

I stand there in shock. My mother is showing me where my life is. My life is with Harry and the boys.

I stare at Harry who has a hopful look on his face.

"Yes, Harry." I say my voice cracking.

He smiles and slips the ring onto my finger as he pulls me in for a hug.

"I love you, Ella." He whispers in my ear.

"I love you too, Harry." I whisper back.

He gives me a soft kiss and we start back to the car.

I glance back at my mom's grave.

"Thanks mom." I breath.

I turn away and look into the future. My future with Harry. Where ever it my take me as I grow old, but inside I will always know that I will be

Forever Young.

The End.

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