Chapter 7

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Harry's P.O.V.

"Harry!" Ella whispers in my ear.

"Harry wake up!" She whispers again, this time shaking my shoulder.

I slowly open my eyes to see her usually bright eyes filled with desperation. I see her wrists that are tied together with rope, they drip blood and her fingers are wet with red.

I sit up and find that I am not tied up too.

"I got you untied." She says.

"But your wrists they are all bloody." I say.

"Just untie me." She whispers.

"Why am I not tied up too?" I ask her as I make quick work of her bonds.

"Like I said I got you untied. It took me a while but I did." She whispers. She keeps glancing around like there is something to be afraid of.

Then I notice that we are in a completely different room.

"They brought us to a new place while we were passed out. I woke up about an hour ago and got started on getting you untied." She says looking at her bloodied wrists.

"Here." I say taking her hands in mine I carfully rip two strips of my shirt off the bottom and wrap then around her wrists with as much care as I can.

"There now that will soak up the blood." I whisper.

"I'm scared Harry." She whispers.

"I know you are, but you have to hang in there. Hang in there for the boys, for Liam, for me." I whisper the last part.

She looks up at me with sad eyes. "They said that they would kill you." She whispers barely audible.

"No, they won't. I promise I won't die. I won't leave you here alone." I say as I watch her eyes brim with tears.

Soon they spill down her pale cheeks.

"Hey, shhhhh don't cry. We will get out of here soon. I will make sure of it. Even if it is only you who escapes." I say as I pull her into a hug.

I run my hand through her hair, carfully getting the the rats and tangles out.

"We love you, Ella. Everyone of the boys do. We want you to be happy. We want you to be free of the past and move on to a new life with us." I whisper.

"Do you mean it? The part about you all loving me?" She asks.

"More then you will ever know." I answer.

I pull her into my lap like a small child, but she is more then that. More then just a fifteen year old girl. More then a girl whose parents died. More the a girl who gets to live with the biggest boy-band in the world. More then a girl who was kidnapped with Harry Styles. More then a girl who sits in my lap crying her eyes out. She has a right to do that. After all that has happened, I think she deserves to have a minute to grieve for the loss of her mother.

But unfortunately the door has to open in that minute. Dang kidnappers have to come in during this time.

"Why hello little princess. Why might you be crying in the pop-stars lap? Was it something I said?" The man sneers.

He kneels down beside us. I put my arms around Ella pulling her out of the man's reach.

"Mmmmm a bit protective are we?" He chuckles. "You can just receive it all for her. If you don't want her to get hurt."

"Fine." I say. I lift Ella up. I find that there is a small bed in the corner of the room. I carfully set Ella down on it and turn back to the man.

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