Chapter 3: Brutal

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Havent heard from you in a while... wanna hang out tomorrow night?? xx

I stared down at the phone in my hands, still pondering how to reply. It was lunch, and the canteen was filled to the brim with hustling teenagers, most of whom discussing their plans for the summer. Darcy stood in line, waiting to get some doughnut she really wanted. 

She loves doughnuts.

I read over the text again. It had been a few days sence I saw him last, and really, I was looking forword to seeing him again. he was a great lad, and the more I thought about it, the more I considered him a goo friend.

Not like I had many in the first place.

My fingers hovered over the keyboard as I pondered my reply. Really, I don't see why I shouldn't. So quickly I typed

Sounds good! meet you at my building at 4:00? xx

I quickly flipped my phone shut, and looked up. Darcy strode across the tile floor, her long dark hair swinging behind her back. She plopped into the chair behind me, and grinned. "They had chocolate dipped!" She squealed. I rolled my eyes. The chocolate-dunked pasterie was her favourite.

She bit into the doughy delicasy, moaning at the taste. I rolled my eyes, and as soon as I did, my phone let out a beep. 

I grabbed it and flipped it open.Naturally, the screen stayed dark."Fuck." I swore, prying off the back with my fingernails. I popped out the battery, before popping it back in. Then I tried to turn it back on again. The old screen glowed blue, and I grinned. Finally.

Great! I remember where you live, but if I get lost, you're still to blame ;)

I rolled my eyes at his reply, before quickly typing back;

Yes, it's all my fault if you get lost in London when I wasn't even there :p

His text came back instantly. 

Yes, yes it is ;) haha just kidding! see you tomorrow night :) xx

"Who are you texting?" Darcy asked, her head cocked to the side.

I shoved my phone into the breast pocket of my uniform shirt, shrugging. "Nobody." I said, picking at my food.

"Yeah right! Whose the guy?" Darcy asked, her eyes full of mischeif.


"Yeah, right." she said, rolling her eyes. "It took me months to ake you grin like that, and whoever he is has done it in... how long have you known him exactly?" she asked.

"Three days."

"Aha! So there is a 'he'!" she proclaimed. 

Shit. Did I really fall for that?

"Well, are you going to tell me?" She asked, nudging mw with her elbow.

I rolled my eyes. "He's... a friend." I said, nodding to myself.

"And this 'friend' you met three days ago makes you smile like that through a text, and makes you blush when I bring him up?"

I was blushing? I felt my face quickly. Damnit. It was slightly hot.

"He's a good friend." I corrected. Darcy rolled her eyes, but let the topic drop.


I slid into the house. The air smalled of alcohol and smoke, signalling that my my mum was indeed drunk, and probably smoking. I set my bag down beside the door and slipped off my shoes. 

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