Chapter 12: Stolen Kiss

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I sniffed a little. Something, was delicately placed on my nose. Frankly, I was too tired to care, so I just rested a little longer, eyes shut.

Something fanned over my face. The scent wasn't exactly pleasing, so I grumbled a little, sniffing.

I heard someone else grunt. Probably James. The grunt was close though... too close.

I slowly, groggily opened my eyes, and nearly screamed. James was a mere three inches from my face.

I managed to gulp it down, but I couldn't do much for my erratic heartbeat. I gasped, careful not to disturb his peaceful slumber. He sighed a little, his morning breath fanning out over his face. His eyelashes fluttered, but didn't open. He must've been having a dream. It was then that I realized, our noses were brushing. With every breath we'd take, they'd gently slide across one another. I wanted to wake him up, avoid the awkwardness that's surely to come.

But at the same time, I didn't. I longed to snuggle closer to him, fingers fisting his soft tee shirt as I would bury my nose into the crook of his neck. He'd chuckle, vibrations rubbing through his chest, as his long, calloused fingers stroked my hair. I longed to look up, and place my lips on his, just for the hell of it. I longed to smile halfway through the kiss, just to let him know how much I enjoyed it, fun my fingers through his almost shaggy brown hair. He'd tangle his fingers in my hair, smiling as well, curling his knuckles as though he was scared to lose me, let me slip from his grasp.

I jolted from my daydream, eyes flickering back into focus. James still slept peacefully before me, noses still brushing.

I flinched, noses loosing contact. I shivered, suddenly feeling cold, before throwing the covers off y body and clambering out of bed. James didn't wake, thank God. After my little daydream, t's too soon to face him.

I had never felt so compelled to kiss someone before, never felt the need.

And my little episode scared me.

What the hell is wrong with me?


I hummed quietly, flipping the pancake in the frying pan. I was cooking breakfast, still in my pajamas and a tank top. The pancake sizzled as it hit the hot pan, popping and hissing signifying that it was indeed cooking properly.

Rubbing my tired eyes, I pulled an elastic off my wrist, and dragged my fingers through my hair, tatty and dangling down to my mid-back, nearly my waist. Carefully de-tangling with my fingers, I twisted and pulled, eventually throwing it up into a messy bun.

I bit my lip, struggling to wrap it around the large lump of blonde frizz at the back of my head. Groaning a ittle, I tugged it tighter.

"Let me help you love."

I jumped a little, but smiled slightly to myself. James fingers plucked the elastic from mine, brushing my skin, sending a rush of sparks don my spine.I shivered slightly, and hoped James din't notice my hair prickle at the base of my neck.

I could feel his warm breath hitting my shoulders, making them glow. Not literally, of course, but you get the idea. Even facing away, I could tell he had ridded his mouth of the morning taste, as it now smelled of mint, as did mine. I felt his hands leave my head, their warmth evading me. I looked back down to the stove, poking the pancake with a flipper.

"What 'cha making?" James asked, his hands resting on my shoulders. My breath hitched in my throat, goosebumps forming on my arms. Sparks flew across my shoulders, good sparks, like when you hold your hand to a sparkler.

I smiled a little. "Pancakes, want some?"

James laughed, and placed his chin onto my shoulder, his hands now hanging loosely around my neck. My eyes widened, and I tried to slow my heart palpitations, with no avail.

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