Chapter 16: Against My Will

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I awoke to silence. Beautiful silence. It was nice for a change, although I know I will miss waking up to Niall's kisses peppering my jaw.

I rolled over with a grunt, and grabbed my phone. No new texts or notifications. Little Miss Popularity.

Tossing off the fluffy navy bedspread, I stumbled out and yawned. My jaw popped, and I rubbed it irritably before making my way out of the room.

Running a hand through my hair, I stumbled into the kitchen, only to be greeted by Mrs. Chalmers herself.

"Hello Mattie! How are you love?" she asked, sipping her coffee. Already in a pressed business suit and her hair up in a tight ballerina bun, she was the image of poise and business. Somehow, she always managed to make me feel small and childish.

"Erm,. I'm good thanks." I replied, scratching my neck.

"Are you? Darcy told me what happened last night. I'm sorry."

A lump welled in my throat. I coughed a little, struggling to shrink it. "Y-Yeah, I'm doing okay. considering."

She studied me for a few moments, sipping her coffee every once in a while. I felt as though her eyes were burning lasers into my face. "Well. okay. You can stay here for a while, until you're ready to go home. Meanwhile I've got to get to work. Murder cases, you know how it is." she sighed, standing.

Actually, I didn't know 'how it is,' but I didn't say anything. Rather, I settled for flashing hr a small smile and waving goodbye. It was only seven in the morning, so I began making food. It wasn's as comfortable as making food at J-Niall's, but it'll work for the time being.

Grabbing some cereal, I poured it into a green ceramic bowl. They pattered onto the glass, the sound making me shiver. Grabbing some milk, I poured it in before plopping myself down and beginning to eat.


My beath puffed out in a white cloud before my face, before I walked through it. My hands were shoved deep into my pockets as I walked down London's streets. It was too quiet in Darcy's house. She liked sleeping in until noon, then eating doughnuts, so I had left for a short walk, to think things through.

It didn't take long for my thoughts to turn to James- er, Niall. I needed to get used to that. Niall Horan, not James. It was a lot to take in.

I had liked him. A lot, in fact. I had just never really put it together. The blushes, the lack of bitchy-ness and general rudeness. The ability to open up easily to him. The smiles. The giggling. The fluttery stomach. It all added up. I had just never realized it.

A lot of the time, he seemed like my best friend, saviour. If I hadn't met him, I don't know what would've hapened to me. He wouldnt have found me in my room, I'd still be miserabl and blame myself for Cameron's death. I'd still be depressed, and possible even suicidal.

The more I thought about it, I thought it may be a bit more than like. He hadn't even talked to me, only glanced in my direction on the bus, yet he managed to tame my inner ice princess. He caused fluttering in my stomach with his eyes meeting mine. He seemed perfect, and I couldn't think of a single flaw in his entire being. Whenever he looked at me, I got tingles. He made my skin flush hot, then go cold. He wouldn't get out of my mind. I had never believed in love at first sight, but now, I think I've experienced it.

I think I'm in love with Niall.

Niall Horan.

The Niall Horan.


"Darcy, I'm back!" I called inside. I peeled off my boots and made my way inside, where Darcy was groggily eating a doughnut; no surprise there.

"Hey." she yawned, swallowing a junk of her chocolate dunk doughnut. I grimaced at her barbaric eating habits; I should teach he how to eat like a woman.

"Ew, don't eat like that." I grimaced, sitting across from her.

"Schorry." she spat, doughnut flying out of her mouth. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, and I called your mum. She's coming to get you now."

My eyes bugged out of my head, and instantly, my heart rate quickened. "W-What?!"

She knew where I was. The monster that had plagued my nightmares for these past few weeks was probably coming to get me.

"Yeah. She's on her way over here right now." Darcy swallowed, before taking in my face. "Mattie? Are you feeling okay, you look pale."

I feel faint, stumbling up and out of the room. I hardly heard her calling after me over the ringing in my ears.

The only thing I heard was three, loud, echoing knocks on the door.

I felt the hair on the back of my neck rise as I whipped around. The knocks echoed again, louder this time. I felt my stomach churn, knowing that she was on the other side of that door.

"Hello Miss McGregor. How are you?" I heard Darcy say, her voice struggling to hide the grogginess.

"Fine. Where's Mattie?"

I felt shivers run down my spine, but not the good kind that Niall gave me. It was the bad ind, the kind you got when nails ran own a chalkboard, the kind you got in the freezing cold, the kind you get when watching a horribly scary movie. It was the kid you got when you knew something was about to go drastically downhill.

"Just down the gall there, probably getting her things." Darce replied. I mentally cursed her. Damn.

"I think I'll go see her. Give us a moment, yeah?I haven't seen her in two weeks either you know."

"Of course. Take your time."

Shit. I felt my whole body shudder, my teeth clamping shut to conceal the shout I was holding in. I needed to be quiet, as quiet as possible. There was no other choice.

Stifling a sob of pure fear, I began sneaking my way down the hall. I could feel my fingertips shaking as fear gripped my heart like a vice. Footsteps were vibrating down the hall, making me squeak in pure fear. I slapped a hand over my mouth, eyes going wide. I wouldn't be fast enough to escape at this pace. I needed to run.

Before I could even begin to move faster, I felt myself stiffen as the hair on my arms and neck raise in pure fear.

"Hello Mattie. I missed you." I heard Mum snarl, her hand clamped onto my wrist.

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