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Dedicated to NeonZombie7 for the amazing trailer to the side! Thank you!

*Two Years Later*

"Niall!" I giggled, lightly shoving him away from me. He laughed and crawled back over to me, placing his face in my neck.

His teeth nibbled on my ear, making me giggle. "Happy birthday princess."

I smiled a little and rolled over, so my ear was torn from his teeth. "Thanks honey." I smiled, pecking him sweetly on the lips. He kissed me back softly, licking his lips after I pulled away. I giggled at the slight smile playing on his lips. He always seemed to be awed by my kisses, although I didn't know why.

"I'm so glad that you got today off It's great that we get to spend my birthday together, in New York City no less." I continued, my fingers grazing his face.

His eyes fluttered open, and he grinned at me. "So am I. After all, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I left my girlfriend in the hotel on her birthday?" he asked, poking my stomach softly. I giggled a little bit. He knew I was ticklish there.

His eyes glinted with mischief, and instantly I knew what he was planning on doing. I struggled to escape his hands, crawling away through the covers, but he tugged me back by the leg. I squealed when he flipped me over onto my back, and he laughed at my expression. With a twinkle in his eyes, he began to poke my stomach. Over and over he'd prod me, eliciting the oddest squeals, laughs and shrieks from my mouth. I swatted his hands, but it was useless. He was tickling me, and I had no escape.

I laughed as he hit a sensitive spot, and he began to wiggle his fingers back and forth over the area. The pads of his fingers darted over my skin, tickling me mercilessly, and I shrieked struggling to wiggle away from his touch. I was doing a pretty good job too, until I fell off the bed.

I landed on the floor with an 'umph!', making Niall laugh. I giggled a little too, knowing how odd that must've looked. A fully grown, twenty-one year old woman, getting tickled by her boyfriend so much she fell off the bed. It was quite weird.

I felt his arm slip around my middle, and he tugged me back up and onto the bed. I smiled at him in thanks, pecking him softly on the cheek. His ears flared pink, making me laugh a little more.

"Stop it." he whined, burying his face in my shoulder. He huffed, and his breath tickled my skin.

"Sorry babe, it's just so cute." I gushed, stroking his dyed blonde hair softly.

He 'humph'ed softly, clutching me tighter to him. I smiled a little, my heart rate speeding up. He chuckled a little at that, kissing my collarbone softly. I giggled a little, still stroking his feathery hair.

"You think I'm cute?" he asked, his face hidden from me.

I smiled a little. "Of course I do, you're adorable."

His one amazing cerulean eye peeked out at me, twinkling. "What if I don't want to be cute though?"

I grinned a little, seeing where he was going with this. "Well, what do you want to be?"

He shrugged, his eye now hidden once again. I smirked a little.

"Do you want to be... funny?"

No reply.

"Do you want to be... handsome?"

He chuckled lowly, by didn't confirm it.

"Do you want to be... perfect?"

I could feel him smile into my skin, but still was silent.

"I'm glad you didn't say anything. You must already know that you are perfect."

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