Chapter 14: Wrath

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The days that passed were... peaceful. Almost always starting with me, waking next to James, and ending with sweet goodnight pecks. We never had anything we neeed to do, so we'd go shopping in the market together, watch Doctor Who marathons at home (Mmm, Matt Smith), and once we even visited the London zoo. There was never a dull moment here.

Today, I happened to wake to dull skies. Usually, there was sunlight streaming onto my face, james' arm sung around my waist. But today, there was none of that.

I sat up, rubbing my eyes wearily. I sniffed a little and turned. The other side of the bed was bare.

My fingers stretched out over the covers, seeking a sign that james had indeed been thee just moments before. But it was cold, all body heat gone.

I felt something smooth beneath my fingertips. My eyebrows raised as I drew from beneath the covers, a note.

Good morning beautiiful!

sorry I coulnt be here this mornig, needed o run errand and didnt want to wake you. Will be back as soon as possible, probably around noon. See you then love!

James xoxo

I smiled at the cute little note he had left for me. As much as I hated being alone, I loved the fact that he cered enough to leave a adorable note.

With XOXO at the end too!

Smiling merrily to myself, I rolled out of bed and began getting raedy for the day.


It was one o'clock, and there was no sign of him. I sighed, not wanting to seem obsessive, and drug my nails on the table, tracing patterns in the wood.

Where was he? It had been four hours.Four hours ago i woke up. Then I had showered, brushed my teeth, gotten dressed, and made cereal. That shaved of an hour. I went on a walk, grabbed the mail, texted Darcy a little, even though she was worried about where I was and annoyed me. Yet he still was gone.

Damn, I sounded obsessive. Kinda like Bella Swan. Creepy.

Suddenly, I heard the jangle of keys in the door. I straightened, a smile already forming on my face at the thught of seeing James again.

Euch, I did sound like Bella Swan.

Before I could shudder at the thought, a man rounded the corner.

And it wasn't James.

This person was tall, lanky. Amop of curly brown hair fell across his forehead, hiding his eye from me. He was staring at his phone, tapping it, texting someone I suppose. A jacket was thrown over his arm, which had a rose tattoo on its bicep. He wore the tightest black jeans I've ever seen, and a burgundy tee shirt.

"Who are you?" I asked, my breath shallow. I really had no idea how to handle theives.

His eyes flashed up, and met me sitting at the table. They flashed with confusion, their emrald depths shifting as though they were made of jelly. He stared at me for a few moments, before his face flashed something, and he grinned. "Hey, it's you!"

My eyes widened. "Me? How do you know me?"

He grinned, a dimple popping out on his cheek. I've gotta admit, he's the most attractive burgular that I've ever seen.

Not that I've seen many.

"Of course I know you! Niall talks about you all the time, he's a smitten kitten."

My eyebrows knitted in confusion. "Niall? Who's he? And why are you here? Rob another house, you twat!"

"What?" he said, looking confused. Suddenly, his face fell blank. "Shit."

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