Chapter 2

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Song : Jar of hearts by Christina Pearl.

You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. You can't get there by bus, only by hard work and risk and by not quite knowing what you're doing, but what you'll discover will be wonderful. What you'll discover will be yourself. - Alan Alada
Pic on side ----> this is the short that kendall wore to her interview.
Chapter 2
I woke up to the annoying sound of the alarm. The sunlight light creeped into the room through the sheer curtains. I snuggled further into the cold sheets hoping to avoid the Californiaan heat. My eyes widened when I realised what today is. I jumped out of the bed and hurried to the bathroom. I took a long shower and blow dried my hair. I wrapped a towel around my body and walked towards my closet. I took out the shirt that nat wanted me to wear and matched it with black skinny jeans. I changed into my new attire . The shirt ended at my navel and exposed my stomach a bit and the jeans made my legs look longer. I walked towards the mirror and did my makeup that included concealer and peach lipstick. I tied my hair into a sleek pony tail and looked at the time that read 9:00. My interview was scheduled at 11:00. I decided to stop by the hospital after the breakfast and get mom's good luck.. I made scrambled eggs and poured Apple juice in the glass. After breakfast, i put the dishes in the dishwasher. After picking up my phone and file from the table f that contained my resumè and other documents, i walked out of my apartment. The hospital was near the house so I decided to walk instead of hailing a can as i still have a lot of time.
On my way to hospital, I bought starbucks coffee to calm down my nerves.
" Mom, i just hope that i get this job. This is a great opportunity for me and i will also have a good pay. " I smiled sadly at het. Her face was deathly pale and she looked so thin.
" baby don't worry about me. Just give your best shot today. " she said sofly and kissed my forehead.
" I will Mom. Ok i am getting late. See ya later. " i pecked her cheek and walked out of the hospital room. I smiled at the nurse that usually take care of Mom on my way out.


" Umm, i am Allison David and i have an interview with Mr. Valentin for the reporter job at 11:00. "I walked to the lady who was at the reception desk. She looked at me up and down and raised her perfectly manicured eyebrow. She typed something in the computer and pointed me to the waiting lounge. I turned around and rolled my eyes. She was such a snobby bit**.

" Sir Raphaël is ready for you. Fifth floor. ''
After waiting for fifteen minutes, i was finally directed towards the fifth floor. The secretary at the desk pointed me toward the only door at the floor. I knocked at the door twice but when nobody answered, i opened the door.

The room was dimly lit and there was a man standing by the window looking at the skyscrapers of Californian city. He turned around to look at me as he heard the clicking of my heels. My eyes widened when i looked at him. He was tall at about six inches and his body was well built. I look at his face that had well defined jawbones. I was mesmerised by his appearance. I broke out of my trance when i heard a clearing of throat.
" Miss David, if you are finished already can i start the interview ? "
I flushed deep red and meekly nodded my head. He walked towards me with large steps and raised his hand. His cold blue stared at me deeply. He slowly leaned towards mr and i unintentionally closed my eyes. I heard a short light clink and opened my eyes. He was at his desk and was looking at me amusedly with his eyebrow raised. My cheeks heated up at his stare and i slowly walked towards his table.
" Please sit down Miss David."
I sat down at the plush chair and looked at him, waiting for him to ask me something but he didn't. I looked up and saw him staring at me deeply and playing with the paper weight on the table.
" So Miss Allison tell me about yourself. Why do you need this job ? "
I gulped down and opened my mouth to speak.
" Sir i always wanted to be a reporter since childhood. That's why studied journalism in university. Also, i have very good academic records. I think I would be a good addition to your team. " i tried to speak confidently. The key word is TRIED.
" Tell me something new Miss David. Every interviewee here responds in the same manner. Give me one reason
Why I should select you when in have many other potential candidates for this job." He rolled his eyes and looked at me profoundly.
I was now getting annoyed. Who is he to judge me.
" Sir, I believe that we reporters are the voice of people. We are the voice of truth and justice.i know there is a lot of competition here and you must be thinking that why should i hire this fresh out graduate who knows nothing about this journalism world but thing is that i am dedicated and committed to my work. There is a lot of competition here and I already realise this. Everyone is going to fight and get their claws out to get the credit for the best news but i am not concerned with this. I just want to voice my opinions and fight for justice. " i said angrily and heaved a deep breath. " Isn't this reason good enough for you. " i said sarcastically.
He nodded. " Miss David, i am impressed that you are hard working and you deserve a chance to show your hard work but do realise that for you to be a good reporter you need good contacts in order to get fresh news that other channels doesn't telecast yet. "
" i'll work on it of i get the chance yo show my skills here. " i looked at him seriously.
He stared for a while and thrn nodded me towards the door.
" Miss David you have gotten this job. Don't make me regret my decision. "

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