Kapittel 19.3

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Kapittel 19.3


"Ugh, you again?!" the vexed colleen exclaimed in frustration when he pulled over and rolled the windows down.

The sight of her never failed to amuse him. As always, she looked breathtakingly beautiful even though she was drenched in rainwater, causing her uniform to hug her body tightly and slightly revealed her curves. As a man who was amidst leaving his pubescent years, seeing a woman's body always triggered his adamant urges. He couldn't help but stop and stare at the red-faced, damp beauty glaring daggers at him. At the back of his head, he thought she was Tinkerbell who accidentally tumbled into the ocean, all petite and adorable.

He looked down and saw that her precious shoes were sullied. The crime was committed by an all-girls clique who passed by earlier. He happened to witness her while he was taking his car out of the parking lot. She was peacefully sitting on the waiting shed only to get tyrannized by the clique by splashing a puddle with their car in her direction. The fuckers stopped, not to apologize, but to criticize her. He mentally noted to make sure those girls would pay, remembering their faces.

"Come," he cocked his head to the shotgun seat. "I'll take you home."

"I'm fine," the self-willed blonde rejected his offer with her arms crossed.

"In this weather with that wet uniform? I don't think so." He chuckled, reminded that she had always been stubborn. Little did he know that his statement was sparking her explosive fuse.

"Mom's picking me up."

"Again, in this weather? Mrs. H would be lucky to get here before the gate closes." A pang of guilt hit his chest when he used her mother's name to get her to join him. But if that's what it takes, then so be it."Plus, I'm sure she would hate it once she sees your shoes in that state," he added.

He saw that her expression changed upon hearing him mention her mother. He was getting her, and he was going to use that moment of hesitation to his full advantage. "So? Come on," he cajoled. "Don't worry, I'm no rapist. I got a heater in here too, could keep us warm."

"Just go home, Friso," Vanessa said with a frustrated sigh. And here he thought that she was about to give in.

"Hey, my mom didn't raise me to let a poor friend get sick because they got wet in the rain. Especially when I'm present." If she wouldn't be swayed by the idea of her mother, then why not with his? They were particularly close.

"Right." He saw her sigh again and roll her eyes in another direction. "That's why I wonder why you became a piece of shit," she mumbled to herself in a small voice.

"What was that?" he asked, he couldn't quite hear what she said next.

"Nothing," she immediately turned her face upfront.

He sighed. His intentions were clear, he didn't only want to keep her around but also provide her with comfort in this cold weather and get her home safe. "Come on, Van. Get in. I'll get you home safe." He was sincere when he said those words. "I promise."

Vanessa stared at him in a bewildered gaze, her eyes fixated on his face as if she was inspecting how sincere he was with bringing her home. "If you do one move at me, you're gonna have to meet my taser," she warned, her glare at him getting sharper.

"No problem." He showed her a toothy smile, glad that he was able to sway her. "Hop on."

He watched her look at the sky, her clothes, then her feet with a gaze that gave him the impression she was deep in thought. He patiently waited for her to contemplate, tapping his fingers softly on the steering wheel. She finally sighed in defeat. "Fine."

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