Kapittel 20.3

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Kapittel 20.3


"But hey, at least you got new shoes," the cheerleader in the clique said, grabbing the box resting on my lap. "And they're Clarks. Pretty ones too," she continued and proceeded to scrutinize them.

What she said was true, they were pretty. So pretty that I might not handle seeing them getting a single speck of grime and dirt. I should have them stored on a pedestal and clean them every day or something. Then maybe make it my family heirloom. Gosh... they were just too pretty to be touched, retained immaculate if possible.

"I thought after-school activities are prohibited?" I asked, attempting to change the topic.

We were sitting on the field's bleachers of the football field. It had already been past school time and were advised to go home. That was my plan as well, however, Georgia invited us to watch her practice. I agreed since I had been finding people to confide in, while Asher didn't mind since he was spending his leisure time playing his guitar as usual.

Georgia, clad in her cheerleading uniform, did a side stretch. Her feet dug into the verdant grass as she leaned on one side. Like the feelings I had when reflecting on Asher's dedication to his masterful playing, I got envious of Georgia's fit body. Her chest had fair size and so was her waist, but what got me was her flat stomach and small waist. Not to mention her toned arms and legs. Mine were close to becoming flabby. That gorgeous body was a payoff with her investment in working out and cheerleading. I do joggings sometimes, but I have never done it regularly, especially on weekdays. I couldn't see myself awake at 4:30 AM for a jog and going to school afterward with lots of energy.

"It's not that it's prohibited for us. It's for the teachers and coaches. As for us students, they're only encouraged. It's up to us students if we follow or not," she answered my question without a hint of pause.

"I see."

"What? Don't tell me you've been religiously following what the announcements said." She squinted her eyes at me like she was threatening me not to tell her that I have been indeed following what the announcements said.

My silence made Asher mumble to himself, slightly chuckling that his loud strums couldn't conceal: "You really are a fool."

"You!" I smacked him in the arm while Georgia was back to being a laughing mess, consequently stopping her supposed warm-up.

"Hey, break's over," a girl with shin platinum hair clad in the same uniform as Georgia suddenly showed up behind her, tapping the latter on the shoulder.

"Okay." My friend nodded in response. "I'll be right behind you."

"No need, the others are coming over to this side." The teammate shook her head and pointed behind her, I looked over behind them and saw her teammates coming over while stretching their arms.

"My friends can watch us, right?" Georgia asked, pointing at us.

"Yeah," she paused. I scowled when I noticed she was giving me pompous head-to-toe. "Sure," she said like she had just spitted something corrosive.

"Oh. Hi, Asher," she offered a small wave to the guy beside me before going off.

"I didn't know you were the famous type," I stated in surprise while watching Georgia stretch her arms above his head. Gosh, I love her figure and form. Should I start working out regularly as well?

"Please, he performed in the Christmas Talent show last semester, and believe me, all the girls swooned. He even briefly got viral on social media," Georgia informed like it was late news. "Also, don't mind Stacy. She has a thing for Drew."

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