Kapittel 14

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Kapittel 14


"Heeey!" a loud voice called out that caught our attention.

We both turned our heads to where the voice came from and saw Georgia rushing to us with paper bags in her hands. As soon as she got under the shade with us, she dropped everything that she was holding and placed her hands on her knees. She was panting heavily and was extremely saturated in her sweat that she looked like she took a bath in it.

"Slow deep breaths, Georgia," I coached as she was catching her breath, wiping the sweat off her chin.

"You okay?" Asher asked. I stood up and went beside her, patting her back softly.

"Yeah..." she muttered between unstable breaths, "Just give me a minute."

I stood beside Georgia for long moments as she recovered her lost strength, at the same time, Asher took his time napping again. "I got you guys lunch," she said after she finally rested. "I had the lunch ladies pack them up."

"Aw, you shouldn't have..."

"Shouldn't have? Shouldn't have what? Shouldn't have let you guys finish your lunch?" she asked sardonically, putting a hand on her waist and raising her brows at us. "Heck no," she declared and proceeded by opening her bag and unexpectedly taking out a neatly folded picnic blanket, and a transparent thermos with an orange-colored liquid inside it, probably juice. Wow, she's pretty resourceful.

"Scoot," she commanded, and we silently obliged. She then unfolded the blanket and carefully placed it on the ground. Elegantly, she ran a hand down her bum to hold down her skirt before sitting down. "Quit staring and get on you two," she demanded again and we obliged.

As soon as my butt and legs settled down on the soft fabric, the funny feeling of the grass against my skin immediately vanished. I almost let out a sigh of relief as I leaned my back to rest against the tree. This was more like it.

"Where's the lunch?" I heard Asher ask, the corner of his mouth was close to watering while staring at her bag.

"In those paper bags, duh," Georgia answered grouchily before grabbing the paper bags and taking out silicone bento boxes from each. Asher took the volition to take one bento box and hastily opened it, revealing the scrumptious, appetizing treasures kept.

"Thanks, Georgia. We're grateful," he expressed his appreciation, looking at her with a wide grin on his face.

"Yeah, thank you," I told her before taking what seemed to be my lunch box.

"As y'all should," she retorted, taking out the thermos' cap and pouring some juice on it before handing it over to me, which I accepted wholeheartedly. "You both don't know how scared I felt after seeing our table being occupied by the soccer team? Our lunch trays were set aside, and my bag sitting was beside Lucien Williams..." she began to rant again as she picked up the remaining untouched bento box and began eating her fruits.

Asher and I silently ate our lunch, listening to her throes. It couldn't be helped though, she took a few minutes to the bathroom only to come back to the table occupied by different people.

"And then I just learned from Gent Perez that a blonde punched Friso in the face and took away her male friend with their bags, and you both didn't include mine?! I'm hurt!" she exclaimed, clutching her chest and the lines on her face dramatically twisting for a feigned pained expression.

"I'm sorry, Georgia," I apologized, placing my hand down on my thigh. "Things happened on an impulse."

"On impulse? Did you punch Friso in front of everyone on impulse? I heard that he was trying to sit with you guys," her figure cowered, and she slide back defensively. I only looked at her in disbelief, thinking that she was having a twisted image of me punching Friso for no reason.

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