The Pillows

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Dean woke up in a different house with a girl lying beside him. The weird part was that when he opened his eyes, he was wishing it was somebody else. Dean got dressed and wrote a quick note with his number.

When he got back to the motel, he noticed another car out front. Sam must be back.

Dean walked in and slammed the door, causing Sam to sit straight up in bed and pull a gun on me. "Woah there, sleepy head," he says with a chuckle, walking to pack his stuff. Sam groans and flops back onto the bed right when Carmen comes out of the bathroom.

Her blonde hair was dripping wet and she had on sweat pants and a t-shirt. A shirt of Sam's actually. Dean sighed as he sat down at the table.

"Oh, the lady's man is back! Great," Carmen mutters with sarcasm as she takes a seat on the window sill.

Sam eyes us suspiciously before climbing out of bed. "So get this," he says, and Dean leans back in his chair, ready for a story.

"Crowley's looking for me," Carmen buts in, staring out the window. Dean raises his eyebrows. "Why do you think that?"

"Well, I found one of the demons in her town. It took a few tricks, a devil's trap, and a whole lot of holy water, but eventually I got him to talk. Apparently, Crowley needs her," Sam says.

"Needs her for what?" Dean asks.

"That's all the demon knew," Carmen mutters again. Dea raises his eyebrows at Sam and jabs his thumb towards Carmen's direction. Sam shrugs and takes the seat across from him.

"Well Cas payed a visit. He wanted to warn me. He said that he had word that Crowley was up to something," Dean says, thinking back to when his feathered friend appeared in his car when he was on the way to the police station. He wished Cas would visit more.

Sam nods before replying, "Carmen can't think of any reason as to why Crowley would want her. Her parents had normal lives, she's not one of the kids like me. She's not a prophet or anything."

Dean sighs and looks in her direction. She continues to stare out the window, a glum look on her face.

"Let's get out of town," he says, standing and going back over to continue packing. "Where are we going?" Carmen decides to speak up.

Dean looks at Sam and he nods. He sighs before telling her. "Crowley... I mean, he's the king of hell. And believe me Carmen, we will hunt the son of a bitch down and get your parents back. But until then.." he says. Her eyes cloud over when he mentions her parents.

"We just think we should keep hunting while we search. If we just sit around and wait for a phone call or something, we're able to run into trouble," Sam finishes what Dean started.

"What?" Carmen asks. Her voice breaks when she says it, but there's not a single tear in her eyes. Yet.

Sam looks at Dean before he starts carrying bags to the car. "It's just that we have to keep helping people, Carmen. If we just sit here, more people will lose their families," he says after a moment.

She nods before turning to the window again. "Yeah, whatever you say Dean. Try not to get these families killed this time," she snaps back before walking out of the door to fling her bags into her car.

"It was kind of your fault.." Sam says quietly when he comes back in the room.

His mind flashes back to the day they met Carmen, when they busted through her front door. They heard the yelling and the racket and thought the demon was in the house.

They were wrong, but they caught the demon later, on a killing spree. They had been in town for three weeks by then, and Dean was sick of the demon killing and then hiding over and over again. When they killed it, the first thing he wanted to do was get out of town.

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