It Pours

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"Carmen? What the heck are you doing out here?" Sammy asks from behind me. I turn to see him exit the motel room and sit beside me on the sidewalk.

"Dean's with a girl," I mumble under my breath. I take another long pull from the beer in my hand.

"And I've been sitting here trying to figure out why I care," I continue.

A look of realization washes over Sam's face. I stare back out at the night sky. Cars pass every minute but that doesn't stop the stars from shining.

"Dean's not all one night stands, you know. He can go the distance if he really likes the person," Sam tells me. I just nod.

"Carmen," he mumbles.

"Are you trying to say I shouldn't be mad or something? I probably shouldn't be. I can't even figure out why that girl sucking his face pissed me off so much," I say quickly, anger lacing my words.

When Sam chuckles in response, I turn to glare at him.

"Sorry, it's just that this is so middle-schoolish," he says. I laugh. I guess it is kind of silly.

When Dean said he was going to try to make me forget about what he did, I never thought it would actually work. Yet here I am, talking to his brother about him.

"Do I like Dean?" I gently say under my breath.

"It sounds like it," Sam replies.

I sigh deeply. I like the boy who messed up everything about my life. Sure, he didn't do it on purpose. My family could have been killed whether the Winchester's were in town or not. Was it really possible the I was getting over blaming him?


I woke up the next morning in Sam's bed in the motel. Sammy was crashed out beside me, a blissful peace over his sleeping face. I was glad I climbed into his bed last night. I was still sort of mad at Dean, and I wanted him to know about it.

I climb out of bed and go over to make coffee. I make it extra strong, knowing this would be a long day. As I poured my first cup, I heard shuffling and the key jingling in the lock.

"Good morning Vietnam!" Dean screams loudly after he slams the door. I shoot him a harsh glare as Sam jumps awake.

"Mornin', douchebag," I mumble before giving him another glare and walking into the bathroom to shower.

After a few minutes, I begin to hear arguing outside the bathroom. I couldn't make out anything, but I could tell that Sam was yelling at Dean quite a lot.

When I came out, Sam wasn't in the room. I didn't look at Dean as I grabbed a comb from my bag and began to untangle my blonde locks. "So much for that stakeout last night, huh?" I say.

Dean chuckles nervously. "What if somebody else got killed?" I ask him.

"I, uh-"

"Did you even check after you left that slut's house this morning?" I mumble, rage entering my words. I didn't give him time to answer. Instead, I rush out of the room and into my beautiful car.


"So this is the place?" I ask. Sam nods from the passenger seat. Dean was pissed because he had to sit in the back. I don't think he's done that since he was a kid.

He's lucky that the demons got held up or something last night. We were now sitting in front of the house they were supposed to attack yesterday. We all climb out of the car, holy water placed in our jackets and pistols in our pockets. Dean had the demon knife, much to my disapproval.

"Hello, miss. We are with-" I was cut off from the woman in the doorway. She lunged at me, trying to drive a knife straight through my gut.

Dean stabs her in the back, causing her body to flicker with orange before collapsing onto the floor. We all sneak into the house, looking for the other demon.

We split up, Sam taking downstairs while Dean and I went up. After a few minutes, we heard crashing and Sam uttering Latin. I convinced Dean to keep looking to make sure we didn't leave one behind.

We were walking down the hallway when it happened. I felt like I was watching a movie in slow motion. Dean looked into the bedroom on the left before continuing to walk down the hall. I was several feet behind him.

The demon came out from behind the door of the bedroom. He ran forward, knife in hand. Next thing I knew, my legs were moving. I ran just in time to push Dean forward. The demon tripped over my own feet, causing his knife to plunge deep into my side.

"Oh, you son of a bitch," I mutter as I grab the demon knife Dean dropped and shoved it between the demon's ribs.

"Carmen," Dean says eerily as he looks over at me. "Get this thing off me," I tell him, shoving the corpse off of my body.

Dean barely looked at the wound before I was scooped into his arms and rushed down the stairs.

Back then, I probably would have been okay with dying. I wasn't thinking about it much, though. I was too busy thinking about how even though Dean slept with another girl, even though he could be a selfish jerk, a pain in the ass, and the person that changed my life forever,

I still just took a knife in the gut to save his ass.


Dean's heart was racing. He pushed Carmen into the back seat of her car, barking orders at Sam. "Drive. Do not fucking wreck her car, but go as fast as possible," he told him, closing the door and holding Carmen to his chest tightly. She had passed out just moments before. All of the blood was scarring Dean. 

He felt bad about the girl the night before. Honestly, he had slacked off of the girls just a bit since they met Carmen. He did still sleep around, but some nights he would just crash in the Impala so nobody would suspect anything.

It was different with Carmen.

Sam put him in his place about it earlier that day too. Sam and Carmen were practically brother and sister these days, and Sam was sure to stick his neck out for her. Dean thought back over his words as they flew through traffic.

"What the hell is wrong with you, man?" Sam asked him after Carmen took off for the shower. Dean looked at him incredulously. "What are you even talking about?"

"You've been trying to get with her for like months now but you go sleeping around with other women? She went to the bar last night, Dean. You could have at least came up with a better lie, dude," Sam told him. Guilt fled his brother as he realized that Carmen had seen him with the girl.

"That's what she's mad about?" Dean asked him, unsure. He thought she didn't care.

"Yeah, dude. She freaking likes you, she just doesn't know how to deal with it while her family is missing," Sam explains.

He might have screwed up his only chance for her. And now, even though he had lied and slept around in front of her face, she still took a blade for him. He bit his lip as he stared down at her. God knows what he'd do if she didn't make it.

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