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"Dean?" Carmen croaked out in the middle of the night. Dean jolted up from his chair. It was his night to watch her. She had been in the hospital for a few days, but was in and out of consciousness for awhile.

"Hey, I'm right here," Dean whispers, taking her hand as he leaned forward in the uncomfortable hospital chair. When her eyes find his, she relaxes back into the bed. Dean sighed and laid his forehead against her hand. She runs her fingers through his hair gently.

"How long have I been out?" She asks quietly.

"You've been in here for three days. You only woke up four times and usually wasn't awake for long," Dean explains, relaxing as her fingers raked against his head. She's quiet for a long time, and Dean thinks that she might have drifted off again. At this point, he just missed her. Dean at least wanted the old, grumpy, smart, pain in the ass Carmen back. He sighs deeply, just wishing she could come home.

"What's wrong?" She asks then. Dean looks up to find her still awake, staring straight at him. 

"Nothing, I thought you fell back asleep," he replies. As he sits up, her hand falls from his hair and down his temple. She traces his cheekbones and jawline with one gentle finger. 

"I'm sorry," he whispers. Her dark hair was a greasy, tangled mess sprawled across the pillow. Her normally golden brown eyes seemed darker in the dim room. Dean wishes she hadn't jumped in the way. He hated seeing her in pain, and he was a dead man walking ten times over again. He deserved to go.

She was so mad, jealous even. Sam was right along with her. He kept telling him to open his eyes, keep fighting for her. Dean had thought there wasn't any harm in just a little meaningless sex. He had thought she would still be waiting on the sidelines.

Dean flirted with her a lot. He told her he they would kill the guy that caused all of this. Which they would, and she knew that. He just thought it would help her to hear it from him. Dean felt like he was in high school again, trying to get the popular girl's attention. He was suddenly wondering if Carmen was that girl back at her school. There was a bit of an age difference between them, but she wasn't a normal girl. She acted far above her age, especially since the incident. 

Now she had saved him, even though she was pissed.

"Carmen," he mumbles, watching her eyes follow her finger that was now gently tracing the veins in his neck. She looked up at him. "It's fine, Dean," she whispers. He shook his head, knowing she'd do this.

"No it's not, Golds," he insisted. "I just want you to know that all of those girls- they never meant anything. You're the only girl I've felt this way about in a long time," he searches her eyes to see if she understood what he was getting at. "I guess I'm just trying to say that I'm still waiting. I'd wait forever if I had to."

Carmen smiles, and Dean's heart beats a mile a minute. It's quiet for a little while.

"Why?" Dean asks her, watching her expression. Her hand falls from his skin, instantly causing him to miss it. She averts her eyes, looking anywhere but at Dean.

"I would have done it anyways," she mumbles, now staring at her fingers. "For you or Sam or Cas. You guys are all I have, I would have done it for any of you."

Dean furrows his eyebrows. "But?" he asks.

She glances back up at him. "You know how, the back of my head didn't care if you would take it back or if you were trying?" She asks me.

Dean's mind flickers back to that one date they had. He remembered the great gifts and dancing and the song. He remembered sitting on the Impala and talking. She couldn't shake the fact that he had something to do with her family's murders.

Dean nods to her, confused as to where she was going with this. "I think it cares now," she whispers. He barely catches her words, and Dean being a little slow, it takes him a minute to get what she means. She can get passed what he did now. He can't stop the grin that lights up his face. She laughs at him, and Dean can't help but love the sound.

"You should get me out of here tomorrow," she tells him. In response, he tells her about some of their getaways from the hospitals. He makes her laugh and it fills something deep in him with joy.

Sam came in at about six in the morning, to take over watching her. "Hey, sleeping beauty," Sammy says playfully, sitting on the other side of her bed.

"Guys, how bad even am I?" She asks after a moment. Dean winces before looking to Sam to tell her. He nods to him before explaining.

"The cut punctured your left lung. You almost didn't make it, they had to do a lot of surgery for that. That was the major thing though. I think we could take you home," Sammy says.

That first night was awful. Carmen scared Dean to death on the way to the hospital. She passed out from blood loss and choked a lot, spitting up blood. The doctors were almost sure she wouldn't make it. All they kept saying was that miracles happen everyday. Dean would have knocked one of them out if Sam hadn't have stopped him.

"Let's leave then," she hisses, a sneaky grin lacing her lips. Dean smiles at her, standing to help her out of bed.

"Here are your clothes," Sam says awkwardly, laying her duffle at the foot of the bed. They both knew she couldn't change by herself. No big movements for her for awhile.

"I got it," Dean tells his brother. He shoots him a funny look before walking out of the room.

She leans against Dean's side as he helps her stand. He makes her sit back on the bed as he undoes the stings to her hospital robe. "Thank you, for helping me," she mutters. He nods, finally getting the knots untied. "Raise your arms," he tells her.

She does as he says while he searches through the bag. He avoids looking at her half-naked body, not wanting to make her uncomfortable. "Dammit, Sammy," Dean mumbles.

"What is it?" She asks, lowering her arms.

"He forgot your shirt," He replies, checking once more, coming up with only jean shorts, a pair of jeans, and shoes. "He packed two pairs of pants and no shirt," He explains to her, rolling his eyes.

Dean walks over to his own bag, digging to find a black crew cut t-shirt. He walks back over to Carmen, letting her raise her arms as he slid the shirt over her small body. "It swallows you, but it'll do," He tells her. "Jeans or shorts?"

"Shorts are easier to put on," she replies. He takes the shorts out of the bag and walks over to her. She wraps one arm around his neck and stands, leaning against me. She takes one side of the shorts while Dean takes the other. She slips in one leg and then the other, and he holds her up while she buttons them.

When she's done, she looks up at Dean. "It's gonna look like I don't have clothes on," she giggles, looking down at his shirt that hangs over her shorts. He smiles at her before taking the shirt and tucking it into her pants lightly, just enough to make it actually look like she had clothes on. When he looks back up at her, she's staring at him deeply.

"Hey, guys, rounds are at seven. We should probably get-" Sam stops when he sees them. "Am I, uh, interrupting something?" He asks with a smirk.

Dean didn't catch it, but later when Sam would tell the story he said that Carmen winked at him when he came in the room. Dean helped Carmen all the way out the door. They hobbled across the parking lot, Sammy in tow.

"Let me set you down so I can unlock the car," Dean tells her, letting her lean against the car instead of him. He unlocks his door, and then leans across the inside to pull the lock on Sam's. As he gets in, he unlocks the back and then turns back to Carmen.

Dean walked over to her and placed his hands on her waist, waiting for her to lean against him, but when she never did, he look up at her.

Boy, did it take his breath away when she crashed her lips into his.

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