The Batcave

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We parked my car first. Boy, was I surprised. I mean, just the garage by itself is amazing. The whole room was filled with old cars, motorcycles, you name it. Dean cleared out a space next to "Baby" for me to park my car in.

"I'm sorry, gorgeous. These mean boys are making me. I'll be back, I promise," I tell my car in a soothing voice before leaning down to kiss the candy blue hood. "I don't understand the deal with you guys and your cars," Sammy mutters, shaking his head.

"These cars are the summary of our lives, Sam," I yell back as he treads towards the door. I follow Dean through the door and down the stairs. That's when my mouth fell open.

"Holy crap.." I mutter. Dean grins from ear to ear. "Like the Bat Cave, do ya?" He asks. I nod as I walk around the library, dragging a hand across the beautiful wooden table.

"We'll clean you out a room eventually, but for now you can crash in mine," Sam says when he comes back into the room with beers in his hands. Handing one to me and Dean, he settles into a chair with his laptop.

I barely catch it, but there's a tiny bit of jealousy playing around on Dean's face.

"It's not a big deal. I can crash on the couch. I don't wanna take your bed, Sammy," I mutter as I walk over to him, laying a hand on his shoulder. I almost crack up at Dean's face, but instead I just continue investigating the place, falling in love with it.

I never thought all of this would be this big. When the boys first told my everything, I thought they were insane. I mean, angels, demons, ghosts? A freaking bunker? It was all so new and interesting but scary at the same time. It was unbelievable.

We do research for hours after that. I go through every book I can find, trying to find a way to officially get rid of the king of hell. When that's a bust, I begin looking for ways to track him. I had never researched this hard before, not even for my college essays.

I come up empty handed eventually, rubbing my temples and reaching for my empty beer. "Oh, hey, let me grab you another," Dean says, even though Sam just went into the kitchen.

I have to be really quiet, but I eventually make out the voices in the next room.

"Sammy, I need to ask you a question," Dean says, almost nervously.

"Sure, Dean, anything."

"Is there something going on between you and Carmen?" Dean asks. I almost choke on the last bit of my beer. I just thought he was jealous that me and Sam got along better. I didn't know he thought there was something going on!

Everything is quiet for a moment before Sam bursts into laughter. "Are you nuts, man?"

I hear Sam sigh before continuing. "Look, dude, she's all yours if you want her. I see her more as a sister."

I tune out then, a smirk on my face. Dean's such an idiot. All he wants is to screw me and be done.

The boys walk back in then.

"So, what do you say we go get those tattoos?"


Some time later, I was walking around a tattoo shop. I was actually really nervous. Not because I was about to permanently write on my body, but because of the boys that were also in the room. I could feel their eyes on me, and to be honest, I didn't want them to watch me get my tattoos.

"Alright, sweet cheeks, hop in the chair, and I'll see if I can't draw ya up something," the bald man in the shop says after his last customer leaves.

I have to get the boys to show the man their tattoos before he actually understands what I want. He draws up one just like theirs.

"Where do you want it, doll?" The man asks. I look over at the boys with a warning look. They put their hands up in surrender and walk back into the other room. I relax now that they're gone.

"Right here, where their's were," I tell the man. He nods and gets to work. It hurts like a bitch.

When that one is finally over, I have to talk myself into getting the others. "Anything else?" The guy asks. Taking a deep breath, I pull out the drawing of the other two tattoos I want.

"One of four?" He asks. I nod hesitantly. He nods before going over to copy it onto the tracing paper stuff.

I get "One of Four" in Latin written in a pretty font right between my shoulder blades.

I walk out of the shop with a faint smile on my face, even though the spots are still really sore.

The boys follow me out, and we climb into the impala to head home.


"So, can I see whatever else you got?" Dean asks from behind me, causing me to jump. He chuckles before coming over and sitting beside me on the trunk of the car.

I had walked outside for some fresh air. It had been so long since I had simply sat outside. 

I look over at him, trying to decide whether or not to show him. "You can't make fun of me," I say, pointing a finger in his face. "Yeah, yeah, whatever," Dean says, chuckling again.

I turn away from him before pulling the back of my shirt up to my neck. I shiver as Dean traces one gentle finger along the words.

"One of four," he says. I nod as he pulls away his hand and I drop my shirt back down. "What's it mean? And in Latin?"

I shrug, not wanting to tell him.

"Oh, come on, Carmen. Tell mee," Dean says before moving his fingers along my ribs, tickling me.

I cackle out in laughter. "Okay! Okay, I'll tell you," I mutter between gulps of air. He pulls away with a smirk.

I look up at the sky as I speak. "I am one of the four members of my family. My parents, my sister, and I," I mutter, my voice cracking as I go.

"But even if I do get my parents back, we'll never be the same," I whisper. "And if I don't get them back.."

"Then we'll take care of you," Dean assures me.

I nod as he lays a hand on top of mine. "You and Sam, Castiel, and... me," I mutter quietly. "I know I haven't known you guys long, and I'm having a hard time, uh, adjusting, but I don't have anyone else right now."

Dean squeezes my hand, which awkwardly makes me chuckle. "What," he says, pulling away. I laugh harder.

"Who knew Dean Winchester could be the comforting type?"

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