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I woke up with pain. Like, pain all over me. It just hurt to move. It hurt to breathe. "Hey," I heard Dean say as I blinked up at the ceiling.

"Pain sucks ass," I mutter, earning a chuckle from across the room. I looked around, recognizing Dean's bedroom. "What am I doing in here?" I asked him, not remembering even leaving the motel.

"You asked to come home, so we brought you back after we patched you up," Dean says. "Sammy was tired after we got back, so I brought you in here so he could crash in his own bed."

I nodded before slowly trying to sit up, ignoring my body's protests. "Take it easy there, tiger," Dean says. I wince at the memory of the last time he called me that; when I jumped out of bed and aimed a gun at him.

"You probably need some more painkillers. It's been awhile," Dean says as he walks over to me with a pill bottle in hand. I take two tablets from him and place them on the back of my tongue before taking the water bottle from the night stand.

"I could use a shower," I mutter, lifting a hand to my greasy blonde hair. "Eh, can you stand that long? You've got a pretty good gash in your leg. Last time you tried to stand you fell right back down again," Dean says with a worried look on his face.

"Why'd I try to stand?" I ask.

"I'm not sure. Nobody was in the room. Sam was watching ya' until he went to the bathroom, and he came back just in time to see you fall."

"Damn," I mutter. "How long have I been out?"

"You ask that every time you wake up," Dean says with a chuckle. "Three days. You've woken up a couple of times, going to the bathroom and shoving down some food."

I can't believe I've been out that long. It feels like I've barely slept at all, the way my body hurts.

Dean comes over to me to help me up. A hiss escapes my mouth as I feel a pull against the cut in my thigh. "I don't think you're gonna be able to shower, Carmen," Dean says as he picks me up, laying me back in bed.

"But I feel disgusting," I groan. Dean chuckles before replying, "What if I run you a bath?"

I look up at him to make sure it wasn't just a way to get me out of my clothes. When I look up though, all I see is kindness and guilt in his eyes. With a sigh, I nod to him and watch him walk off into the bathroom.

To my surprise, Dean helped me into the bathroom without making a single dirty joke. Something about this accident has changed him.

Dean left after he seated me on the side of the tub. I felt my jaw drop as I began to undress. No wonder Dean wasn't interested. I looked like something from a horror movie; I had bruises all over, cuts, and scratches. Hardly any of my body was it's normal color.


I was being treated like a saint at the Winchester's. Sam cooked for me; Dean helped me move to wherever I needed to go. Nobody has spoken about what happened.

I remember tossing and turning one night, waking Dean, who was asleep on the couch in his bedroom. "Can't sleep, Goldie Locks?" Dean mumbles as he gets up to sit beside me. I frown at the nickname, vaguely remembering hearing it somewhere else.

"Nope. Been tossing and turning all night," I mutter.

"Well, scoot over, Golds, that couch feels awful," Dean mumbles, obviously tired.

I scoot to the other side of the bed, letting him slip in behind me. "Are you just uncomfortable or what?" Dean asks after a moment. I tense up, thinking of why I can't sleep.

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