"Why're you here?" I spluttered as she opened the locker next to mine and began to undress to get into her gym kit.
She had a beautiful tattoo over one of her shoulder and down her bicep of a fox and a cat surrounded with roses and two skulls by their feet. Her hair actually seemed to be more silvery than the blonde I thought she had on Friday and her eyes were a striking grey. I was momentarily stunned by the size of her boobs and she laughed at me when my mouth dropped open.
"They're real," She winked at me, "Why do you think Jimin likes me so much?"
I flushed and moved my gaze, trying to remember what question I had asked her.
"We're here because of your deal with Yoongi," She said, reminding me of what I had asked, "The guys decided I'd be best to stay with you during the classes they don't share with you,"
I was lucky enough to only share a few classes with Shownu and none woth Jooheon or Wonho so I didn't really need protection there. What I did need, was a solution to this whole marriage problem.
I quickly changed into my own gym kit, feeling a little self conscious next to Bee, but she seemed to be in a world of her own as she shoved her feet into a pair of white converse.
"Let's go, bestie," She said, shooting a smirk at Hyori and her friends as we left the changing room.
We headed over to the gym and was met by a familiar face, causing my own face to immediately turn bright red.
"Hey little lamb," Hoseok grinned at me, "Nice gym kit. Very sexy,"
I looked down at my mid-thigh length shorts and plain t-shirt and then back at him, confused.
"Are you taking the mick out of me?"
He grinned and leaned close, "Not at all. You have gorgeous legs, little lamb,"
"Don't tease her too much, Hobi," Bee huffed, "You're making her blush,"
He leaned back, a smug smirk on his face, "That's the point, Bee. Doesn't she look good all flushed red?"
I choked on air, turning away as his grin grew bigger. This class was going to be impossible to get through without actually dying.
By the time class was over, I really was ready to die. Hoseok hadn't spent too much time with Bee and I, but every chance he got he teased me or said something that made me blush.
I changed back to my uniform and followed Bee out of the changing room, only to crash into a hard, muscular chest.
"If you want to touch me, sweet cheeks, all you gotta do is ask,"
I looked up to see Namjoon's face smiling down at me and my heart began to race as he leaned down, his lips close to my ear, "I'd never say no to your hands on me,"
Suddenly, there was a pair of hands on my shoulders, roughly yanking me away from Namjoon.
"What the fuck are you assholes doing here?" Jooheon snarled, his fingers digging painfully tight into my shoulders as he addressed Namjoon and Hoseok.
"It's not just them," Namjoon and Hoseok stepped aside to allow Yoongi through, with Jimin moving up behind them, "We transferred in,"
Jooheon shoved me to the side and I stumbled into Shownu, who's hands were gentle as they steadied me and held me away from what was clearly about to be a fight.
Jooheon's eyes flicked to me before he lowered his voice, "This is Sinner territory, fuck off,"
Yoongi raised an eyebrow, "Not for much longer, Jooheon. The Saints are here to stay," He nodded his head towards me, "And she belongs to us,"
Shownu's fingers tightened on my shoulders, "No she fucking doesn't,"
"This is Jooheon's sister, she's off limits," Wonho spat at them, "Touch her and fucking die,"
They were clearly trying to keep the fact that they were part of a crime syndicate quiet from me, but the aggression had amped up extremely fast.
"Everyone get the fuck out of this corridor and get to class!" Jooheon yelled at the students that were subtly watching their interaction. They scrambled to do as they were told until the corridor was empty apart from us.
Namjoon smirked once the hallway was clear, "Stop pretending to be the good big brother when we all know you're letting your dad marry her off to Im Chankyun,"
Jooheon's body tensed and it looked like he was going to take a swing at Namjoon but Yoongi spoke, cutting the tension.
"Enough. The Princess will be late to class," His eyes moved to where Shownu was holding onto me and he took a step back.
"This conversation isn't over," Jooheon warned him as Jimin slung his arm over Bee's shoulders as they headed to their classrooms. Bee gave me a happy little wave as she left.
"That's one thing we agree on," Yoongi drawled back, also heading off to wherever his class was.
Once they were gone, Jooheon turned to face me, anger on his face.
"What the fuck is going on?!"

Dollhouse [reverse harem]
Hayran KurguA dark gang book. I was adopted when I was sixteen after my parents were caught in the crossfire between two warring gangs. My new family appears to be perfect, but behind the curtains of the dollhouse we live in, the dolls are keeping secrets. An...