Chapter 3

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I walked awkwardly as my hands gripped Ryder's wrists. They were clamped over my eyes as he directed me from behind.

"I told you I wouldn't peak. Why don't you trust me?" I teased him. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying the press of his chest against my back as we came to a standstill.

"I'm his makes it more fun." Amusement rang out through his voice. "Are you ready?"

"I've been ready, Ryder." I dropped my hands from his wrist as his own fell to my waist. We had walked a little ways away from the vehicles just out of sight but still within shouting distance.

My belly flipped at the sight before me. Under an old oak tree with branches low enough to climb was a blanket. Set out on it was a picnic. Or food, anyways. Ryder had managed to scrounge together a few matching bowls that were laden with canned peaches, salad made from the plants we were growing, water bottles, and somehow he had procured a bottle of wine and a couple of plastic, stemless wineglasses.

My breath caught in my throat at the sight of a few dandelions plucked and placed in a cup serving as a vase. A memory of the first time he had offered me the weeds as flowers slammed into the forefront of my brain. I had been such a bitch to him back then.

I swung around and threw my arms over his shoulders, locking my fingers together behind his neck. I placed a kiss straight on his mouth, but rocked back before it could go any deeper. "I'm not sure if I've told you this lately, or if I've told you this at all, but I truly appreciate you and everything you've done for me, Ryder.  You are the first person to show me there is beauty in this world and that I am deserving of that beauty."

I kissed him again. This time, the kiss turned heated. We took turns nibbling on each other's bottom lips. He ran his hands up and down my waist, but didn't take it any further. He was the first to step back this time.

"I didn't do this to try to get you naked, Atalia. I just wanted to enjoy a beautiful evening with you, in whatever way I can." He gave me one last kiss on the tip of my nose before tugging my hand and leading me to the small feast.

"The cool weather has scared off the mosquitoes for now." I remarked. "Hopefully the ants haven't tried to run away with our food yet."

"I had help setting things up so we wouldn't have to fight off bugs and animals." He admitted a bit bashfully.

"It was a beautiful idea and set up." I winked at him as I found a place to sit, but, with his back to the tree, he tugged me forward until I fell in his lap. I snuggled against his knee, sitting sideways so I could still see him while also having access to the food.

He plucked a peach out of the bowl with a fork and brought the sweet fruit to my lips. I savored the sugary delight, trying to brush off a pang of guilt at all of the food before us. I could have eaten a week off all of it. Ryder and I deserved this moment though, what with all the miscommunications and pain that had been between us.

We sat there and talked about things. His childhood with Jessie and their escapades. I wasn't the least bit surprised when he admitted she was the one to always drag them into some sort of trouble. Yet, as the older brother, he was the one to get into trouble.

His parents were strict but fair. I smiled as his face lit with happiness over a fond memory of them. I was feeling good with the two glasses of wine I had drunk. My heart and head both buzzed with happiness. The peace of this moment almost took away all of the bad shit that had happened before now. Almost.

The sun was beginning to fade from view, causing the temperature to drop, but despite the chill, I didn't want this moment to end. The alcohol helped warm me up, but not by much. I had yet to gain back the muscle and some fat I had lost while in captivity. I buried deeper into Ryder's chest.

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